How Many Weekly Leads Per Week?

Youi are not sending them by first class mail then. EFES and MSPM send by first class mail.

You are quoting junk mail pricing.

I just quoted you my first class mail pricing... That's assuming they're postcards.

If they're letters that would be standard.
My thought was if agents got together in large numbers through the iliaa, or something like that, they could negotiate rock bottom pricing on mailers like Securus + EFES do. That could bridge the gap to make it feasible to send out your own mailing. Just a thought...
My thought was if agents got together in large numbers through the iliaa, or something like that, they could negotiate rock bottom pricing on mailers like Securus + EFES do. That could bridge the gap to make it feasible to send out your own mailing. Just a thought...

EFES has their own mailhouse so they are at rock bottom. If you broker with EFES they will mail for $325/1000. I think that's the price. It may have gone up with the last postage increase.
Ok guys, guess I'll throw everyone into a tizzy. We use telemarketed leads. The agent has no risk of a poor mailer return rate.The agents get them no more than 30 minutes after they are produced. The prospect is given the name of the agent that will be calling. The prospect is asked if they will be there for the next two hours and if not, when the best time to call would be. They are also asked if they have a bank account and they know we are discussing insurance.
The calls are live and meet all compliance requirements (which are ridiculous).
The agent will then sell the Final Expense over the phone.
Fifteen leads per week should net $1200 after lead cost at our starting commission level. Twenty leads should net $1600 per week.

Wow, that sounds like a fantastic deal....

For the IMO and lead vendor.
I wrote just under 10k FE last week, this week I did around 6k. I run 15 appts per week. It would take me more than 15 leads of course. I also wrote several Med Supps as well both weeks so its not all FE, but most is.