How Much AP Should the Average FE Agent/agency Write in a Month?


New Member

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I am very curious how much business is a good amount to write every month in just FE.

I haven't had the privilege to work with as many companies as some of you gurus out there. Im completely in the dark as to how much other companies and agents actually write.
The biggest month I have EVER had was 18k in AP. I didnt even make the top ten. But I didnt maintain it. I averaged about 9k to 12k usually. Except my first year but didn't really work hard. (I was only 21 at the time)
Also im curious about how much an agency should write a month. I have 8 agents including myself and our 3 month average of 73k. My upline said that I should be writing well over 100k a month with my group. Is this reasonable? Do a lot of agencies out there write 100k a month. And if so how many agents do you have?
Im just curious about Final Expense AP not annuities or big life policies the AP is very different.

Wouldn't placed and paid be a better measure of success? Not an FE marketer, just asking.
I don't talk numbers but the only one that matters is how much you received over the year minus your expenses.

If that number is where you want it to be you are fine.
I am very curious how much business is a good amount to write every month in just FE.

I haven't had the privilege to work with as many companies as some of you gurus out there. Im completely in the dark as to how much other companies and agents actually write.
The biggest month I have EVER had was 18k in AP. I didnt even make the top ten. But I didnt maintain it. I averaged about 9k to 12k usually. Except my first year but didn't really work hard. (I was only 21 at the time)
Also im curious about how much an agency should write a month. I have 8 agents including myself and our 3 month average of 73k. My upline said that I should be writing well over 100k a month with my group. Is this reasonable? Do a lot of agencies out there write 100k a month. And if so how many agents do you have?
Im just curious about Final Expense AP not annuities or big life policies the AP is very different.

It's really just opinions. I don't know how someone could come up with "should" do.

But, my opinion, and one I shared on a training call for EFES two weeks ago, is that a fulltime FE agent's goal would be a bare minimum of $10,000 per month or this might not the career for them. That is certainly my floor level of success in this business.

I would really feel like something was going wrong if I didn't do at least $10,000 ap in a month. I didn't dedicate to FE fulltime until Jan '09. This month marks the 42nd consecutive month that I have written at least $10,000 ap. I average well over that, but that's where i see the bare minimum to be.

Now, there are part timers and agents that do FE as a sideline and this certainly wouldn't apply to them. But, if an agent is actually working FE fulltime, not just saying he is working at it fulltime, $10,000 a month is where to be.

I don't hire agents, but if I did and their goal wasn't to be at $10,000 per month regularly I would not consider them to be serious about this as their career.
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This is an interesting topic...Did you start your own agency, or are you working for someone else and building a team...Sounds like your questions are being driven through a mandatory quota??

I agree 100% that minimum goal should be 10k AP per month...very attainable for a dedicated agent....which should easily put you at 80-100k/month with a team of 8 producing agents.

The key here is producing agents....if you truely have 8 dedicated agents working fulltime and maintaing at least an 85% persistency should be doing great assuming your overrides percentages are fair.
I have to agree with Newby on this one. Another question in mind, is FE the only thing you are writing?