How Project 2025 Could Change Medicare....

Your job comes before the health of a nation? How utterly Republican of you.
"The health of the nation." Boy you really are a Democrat...naive as shit. lol. Ever seen the MedicAID system? It's a God damn nightmare. They say "Medicare" but the system they describe is MedicAID.

Barely any doctor takes MedicAID, because they lose tons of money doing so. Most of the doctors that are left are substandard, and the few good ones have wait times 7-8 months out. When I used to deal with it, if I looked up peoples doctors, 95% didn't take Medicaid and they had to lose them.

Medicare....people pay into it their entire lives and funds build up. When they go on it, they continue to pay some money into it and funds keep building. MedicAID....solely funded by taxpayers, with EXTREMELY higher taxes.

Also, completely controlled by government with zero competition and zero options to opt out or get different service. My cousins live in Canada and their system is a complete nightmare. They come here when they need services done.

Same as in Canada.....England's NHS...rapidly going broke, doctors unmotivated and paid very little, wait times for even basic services and surgeries are through the roof, non-taxpayers (aka...illegal aliens) clog up and use tons of services.

Yea, "the health of the nation." lol. It's not healthcare, it's deathcare. The government hopes you die so they don't have to pay anything.

By the way, can you ask "liberal Jesus Obama" when people can get their doctors back that he promised they could keep. Thanks.
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