How to deal with people like this?


Super Genius
This is for Med Advantage. Mind you, they have the fee structures printed out directly infront of them.

Example: “how much does this cost? How much Would this cost? How much woud this cost? What about this? How about this? What’s the charge for this procedure? And this one? And what about this one? How much would this cost? And this? What If I get into an accident and I need multiple surgeries and then have a heart attack how much would that cost? What about if I was in another state and I needed dialysis for 50 days after a helicopter crash, how much would that cost?

What’s a good way to deal with this professionally?
This is for Med Advantage. Mind you, they have the fee structures printed out directly infront of them.

Example: “how much does this cost? How much Would this cost? How much woud this cost? What about this? How about this? What’s the charge for this procedure? And this one? And what about this one? How much would this cost? And this? What If I get into an accident and I need multiple surgeries and then have a heart attack how much would that cost? What about if I was in another state and I needed dialysis for 50 days after a helicopter crash, how much would that cost?

What’s a good way to deal with this professionally?
This feels like a trust issue to me.
Go back through your sales process, and find out what you missed, and build more rapport.

If you can confirm that it is not, the individual could just be a worry wort. They exist.
Put your worry worts with a plan G medsupp.
The less variables a worry wort has to worry about, the better.
This is for Med Advantage. Mind you, they have the fee structures printed out directly infront of them.

Example: “how much does this cost? How much Would this cost? How much woud this cost? What about this? How about this? What’s the charge for this procedure? And this one? And what about this one? How much would this cost? And this? What If I get into an accident and I need multiple surgeries and then have a heart attack how much would that cost? What about if I was in another state and I needed dialysis for 50 days after a helicopter crash, how much would that cost?

What’s a good way to deal with this professionally?
Folks like this...

I would say well let's get you signed up, I got a buddy that just bought a used Bell helicopter.... I will hook up up for a test ride we can see how good this plan is, call me from the hospital, better yet let me write you a final expense plan.

No in all seriousness folks like this I choose to walk away from most of the time. But, if you decide to add them just know she will more than likely make you earn your pay that's for sure.
Could be you're being tested. Both you and your product.

Chances are they've already Googled their fingers off before you got there. They've also talked to their friends and they've heard good stories and bad.

If a prospect asks about treatment in another state, I immediately know that they've been researching networks.

The best way to avoid all this is to describe and compare both OM and MA. Go over the upside and downside of both. Be a teacher.
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Not sure what you mean by professionally, unless you were getting rattled to the point that you wanted to shout at them or something. I would answer their questions as they are asked, and if they're satisfied with your responses, then proceed with the app. If he's not happy with your responses, then you may need to encourage him to speak directly with a carrier.

I had one like this yesterday, but he really wanted to know, and once he got his questions answered, he was gleeful. I wouldn't hold back anything with a client like that, whether it's MA or Med Supp.
The individual could just be a worry wort. They exist.
This is my wife. We had a pediatrician who used the word Catastrophizer. Unfortunately, we are 30 years too young for a Plan G but until then, she's going to continue to think we have "bad" insurance until we don't pay anything out of pocket.

I've tried to educate but you can't be a prophet in your own land...
This is my wife. We had a pediatrician who used the word Catastrophizer. Unfortunately, we are 30 years too young for a Plan G but until then, she's going to continue to think we have "bad" insurance until we don't pay anything out of pocket.

I've tried to educate but you can't be a prophet in your own land...
Ha I love that. "you can't be a prophet in your own land"