How To Pass the Life, Accident and Health Insurance Exam ?

I passed it the first time with an 84% and I am not the best test taker. As a matter of fact, when i finished the exam I did not think I passed, I was in shock when I was handed my certificate.
My suggestion is READ THE BOOK! I cannot stress that enough. This will give you an understanding of the material because I frankly would get confused about whether health or life was being asked about in online practice tests that I was taking before I read the book.
Read the book once. Read it again chapter by chapter doing the practice test at the end of each chapter. Then do the final test at the back of the book. The PMREVIEW was somewhat helpful. None of the questions that were on the PMREVIEW were on that test though. There is some helpful information on the PMREVIEW that will get you a few answers correct for sure. The questions on the PMREVIEW will tell you if you got the answer right or wrong and why which is one feature I liked a lot.
It is all about comprehending the material (understanding) and being able to stand up to those tricky test questions.
When taking the test, read the question 2 times before even looking at the answers. I cannot stress how important that is. After you look at the answers if you have to read the question again do it. Time wise it is going to come down to the wire. I had only 8 minutes left when I finished. I reviewed with those 8 minutes but changed no answers. Never leave an answer blank either incase you run out of time!
The common thread it seems is that the test, at least in Ca. is tricky. I agree with that. I went over and over, and over, ( did I mention over) the pre test on examfx until I was sure my mind was trained to read the question word by word. Then it's a matter of understand the concepts.
You went through four years of law school and now it's time for the bar. You pass you have a career. You fail you don't and now have to re-take it. How hard to you think someone studies for the bar. Study like that and it's a breeze.
Not sure what to tell you. I have taken the test twice now and have failed it. I missed passing by 1% the second time!!! I am debating as to whether I should re-test or just let it go. I have never taken a test like this. It is difficult. And its not because I don't know the information its the tricky wording. I went to college and have a degree. Passed all their tests! I have a natural gift to gab and I think I could be good in this field but if I don't pass this ridiculous test I won't be able to try. On the other hand, this idea "Insurance sales person", is starting to become expensive. Should I re-test?????
Thank you for the information but I need to generate some cash flow before attempting this exam again. I am still considering insurance sales because it offers the freedoms that business owners have without the expensive start up costs associated with other types of businesses. Will keep you informed.
I just took my "Life & Health" state exam and got 91%. I enrolled in an online course called "The License Coach", I looked at a few different companies websites and this one looked the best and it was. The course was so easy to follow and made learning insurance fun & easy. They break up the chapters into bite size chunks and the videos and illustrations were top notch. I looked forward to each video between he written material and the quizzes. This is definitely not your Grandfathers course, very modern, expertly written and formulated. I recommend this course to anybody starting out in the insurance industry. My brother took another course a year earlier and could not believe how much better The License Coach was laid out and easy to maneuver through.

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