Hubert Humphrey Is Alive Again...

Toolbelt you make some valid points but not all companies are the same when it comes to MLM compensation. As you know financial services is a whole different animal.

Do everyone make the big buck? Of course not but through personal abilities most people do have a chance. The hard part is recruiting and sustaining a producing team but in the financial services world we all know there is the ability to make enough to keep a roof over ones head and food on the table just from personal sales.

Now here is the secret many of us have a hard time with. It's sales. MLM is sales and yes internal consumption is a major player but it isn't required and people have the option to recruit or earn from just personal production.

Hubert built great organizations with his Leadership Format System. No matter what critics may say it's proven. For those who show an interest it's basically three choices when talking about Hubert.

Do what he did and more yourself. Follow what he did this last time and follow his system and make it t work for you. Or just move on because no one person is bigger than the opportunity and it's going to roll on.

Not for you? Great and of course best wishes..
Not sure what this is all about, but let me tell you about Hubert H. Humphrey, late senator from Minnesota. I was 9 years old, and Senator Humphrey died on a Friday night. So important he was that the entire next day's Saturday morning programming was pre-empted for coverage of his body being wheeled from here to there and put on a plane etc. and so.

That is all they talked about on ALL THREE CHANNELS!

I never forgave the man for not waiting until Saturday afternoon to die.

Well, not really ... I just remember that it was a rainy cold January Saturday, trapped inside, and there was nothing I could do to bring back Scooby Doo and Land of the Lost.

I never felt so powerless before or since ... :frown:
Follow what he did this last time and follow his system and make it t work for you.
So, in other words, develop a series of training and motivational materials and seminars and conferences, then find a captive audience seeking salvation, and sell it to them?
No...There are no requirements to buy any books yet I do recommend people read his leadership format book. Heck it's a good read for anyone in sales.

As mentioned before people can look at his company and just make a business decision like anything else.
In MLM, there are never any requirements "but if you don't attend the next convention, how will you ever learn to explode your business"?
Read..The Leadership Format System....For the most part for me MLM is just a compensation structure. To look at an opportunity on has to seperate the company itself from the MLM part and e consider the company itself.

In short Hubert is a legend. For or against companies like Primerica he was there in the beginning and built producing organizations along with other companies.

So what if in this last go around he dies it again and bigger. This time he has access to modern technology to bring products and services to market. National, international, worldwide? Who knows. So what if?

So people will say only the people at the top make the money. If one believes that then now is the time to get in at the top and build a producing organization. What the mind believes the mind can achieve.

MLM or not. The Leadership Format System works. The problem is yes even with me we tend to want to do things our way rather that a proven way which has produced many material wealthy people. It's the system..For arguments sake don't argue MLM. Argue the system. The problem is it has proven e n success.

One has mentioned Amway.. Yes Hubert designers his concepts from his days at Amway. He admits that to this day. But he took a business model and just tweaked it. Look around at all the different companies and you will see his system footprint in some shape or form..

Now here is the big difference. He started it. He is still active. The originator. Side by side compare with his critics. What if?? Then again what do I know?

Art Williams once said in our lifetime we get a limited amount of real opportunities. For some the questions can be is this one of them. Is this the last one?

Who knows. Just mention MLM and some will not even take a look and seek facts.
This time he has access to modern technology to bring products and services to market.
The internet is a double edged sword for MLMs. And because bad news always travels faster than good news, its an uphill struggle that he didn't have to face in a previous life. One only need Google a few MLM Annual Income Disclosure Statements to view the almost certain outcomes for those joining today.

So people will say only the people at the top make the money. If one believes that then now is the time to get in at the top and build a producing organization.
By the time an MLM launches, the top positions are already assigned. You will merely become part of the churn statistics. How many of Humphreys 24 top lieutenants from his Primerica days are still top earners at WFG, because they got in before the ground floor was even built?

Yes Hubert designers his concepts from his days at Amway.
How many people from Amway still have garages full of product left from their days of chasing the dream? MLM is based on internal consumption, and if the product can't be consumed, its accessorized by monthly online access fees and pay-to-attend seminars, conferences and conventions. Nobody is getting rich selling (or buying) 2 1/2 policies a year (before terminations).
So, in other words, develop a series of training and motivational materials and seminars and conferences, then find a captive audience seeking salvation, and sell it to them?
Teaching a man to fish is exponentially less lucrative than teaching a man to fish poorly, so that he keeps having to return for more teaching on how to fish.....while paying for it. The real trick to MLM success is to get that student to recruit more students to pay for classes.