I don't believe true face to face activity will fully come back till we have a vaccine

I might be wrong. About 6 weeks ago a lawn guy going door to door came by. I called him today to start the service. I asked if he was still with them . Not only is he still with them he's pounding doors 10 hrs a day 5 days a week. He said he's had the cops called on him 3 times this week but he has exemption letter. He said most people not answering the door.

Close... I was meaning to type "Wedgies". Nothing keeps someones attention as when you are applying and up ward force on their underwear.
:laugh:... sorry couldn't resist.

This is what I was referring to.


After five successful years and six printings, Schiffman's book is back in a new edition that features two important sections: identifying and reaching decision makers, and rescuing lost calls through use of Schiffman's Ledge system. Google Books

Originally published: 1987
Author: Stephan Schiffman

Cold Calling Scripts, Tips and Advice
Always always listen to what they say to find a "ledge". A ledge is a statement you can use to further the conversation and search for reasons they would agree to meet. Keep asking questions to solicit enough interest that they agree to an appointment.May 6, 2014

Cold Calling Techniques, an Interview with Stephan Schiffman
www.salesbabble.com › cold-calling-techniques-with-stephen-schiffman

I thought I still had it in my library but can't put my hand on it at the moment. A very good read for someone who is new to the phone and its usage. I would highly recommend it... its a fairly good read.
I am that older group. I have a lot of buddies in that group.

Funny thing about door knockers - we are not our own market. @Markthebroker referred to Claude Whitacre in another thread recently. Claude quickly became a top life agent with Monumental back in the 70's before he left because he could make more money selling vacuum cleaners door to door. He made over 200K per year for 20 odd years in door to door vacuum sales before he started a brick and mortar retail store because he was no longer in shape for lugging a vacuum door to door. In his talks he will often tell you that he never has and never will let a door to door salesman in his home. However, he did buy life insurance from an agent who cold called him at his retail store

Also, I am certain that I have gotten in and made clients of folks who not once before or since they met me have they ever allowed a D2D guy in their home. Strange things happen when you do a lot of knocking.
Had an argument with a guy on the FB page who kept believing that his entire neighborhood would kick out a door-knocker. I simply responded that 'he is not a market', and that there's another neighborhood next to that. He kept at it and I finally just blocked him.

It's a big mistake to take our own prejudices and apply them to everybody. When I talk to agents by phone, I tell them that 99%+ of the people who knock on my door SUCK at it. But that doesn't mean that you can't do it successfully.

Now, for when it will be "socially acceptable" (or just not seen as criminal activity), that will take some time. Chef Robert Irvine was talking to Tucker Carlson about what restaurants will need to do to adapt for a while after the US "opens" again. While restaurants are a defined space, the safety concerns for most people may still be on their minds heavily.

Chef Robert Irvine predicts 'we are not going back to full 300-seat restaurants' once US reopens