I need help selling term life

I'm confused. Clarification would help. I haven't a clue where to begin or what is really being asked.

The $500 guarantee sounds more like, "We'll beat any price. If we can't give you the lowest premiums, we will pay YOU $500."

Uh...is this insurance? In my state, with this type of activity, better save the $500 for bail.

I do not mean to offend, but assuming this is a newly licensed agent since 12/07, why is he not being trained by his employer and why does he have to pull out-of-pocket for training from the likes of insure.com?

Pepper, that $500 to insure.com would be better spent on a good E&O policy.
Can't you get local leads? I would never recommend a new agent sell exclusively over the phone especially with internet leads. And if you sell on price you're nothing more than a transactional agent which are a dime a dozen.

Best advice I could give would be to get in front of people, make good impressions, earn trust, ask a lot of questions, and learn the business.

You need a GA that will teach you what you need to know and not charge you for it. If properly closed, 75% of apps should be completed. If those that did not complete the app want your dripping to stop make them tell you why they didn't complete the app. There may be an uncovered objection that you can then resolve and be able to proceed.
If those that did not complete the app want your dripping to stop make them tell you why they didn't complete the app. There may be an uncovered objection that you can then resolve and be able to proceed.

Probably not the best advice you could get. Asking is okay, making them tell you, well, it can (will) get you blacklisted and most of your email will end up in the spam folder of everyone you send it to.

I personally wouldn't do business with someone who pushes to hard to be able to spam me. Of course, I probably wanted the spamming to stop because I wasn't going to buy, but why waste the time.

Also, to be compliant with the can-spam act, you have to provide a way for someone to turn off the spam by themselves. If you don't do this, your isp (or whoever sends the mail) will be talking to you soon.

Probably not the best advice you could get. Asking is okay, making them tell you, well, it can (will) get you blacklisted and most of your email will end up in the spam folder of everyone you send it to.

I personally wouldn't do business with someone who pushes to hard to be able to spam me. Of course, I probably wanted the spamming to stop because I wasn't going to buy, but why waste the time.

Also, to be compliant with the can-spam act, you have to provide a way for someone to turn off the spam by themselves. If you don't do this, your isp (or whoever sends the mail) will be talking to you soon.

In the circumstance stated, they have an EBR (existing business relationship) which allows for communication for 90 days and is not considered SPAM.

I agree, there is a certain percentage of those that were not serious or do not have the ability to get insurance. But there are others that have an unstated objection. If that can be uncovered and satisfactorly addressed, then you have converted them into a buyer. The drip communication will help uncover those.
Funny thing about spamming someone, is that an EBR does not protect you from getting your email blocked. Heck, Yahoo makes it extremely easy, just hit the 'Report this as spam' button, and no more of your emails will get through, not only to this client, but to anyone on yahoo (okay, it takes a few doing it to get you blocked on yahoo as a whole, but an amazingly small number).

Once you have this problem, you'll never know it if you don't monitor for it, but business gets tougher to get, not easier.

Drip communications are a great tool, as long as people can opt out if they want to.

find a company or agency that helps you get in front of people to sell. If there is noone at your new job to help you with these questions then i would have to question your long term success. Don't they offer any training? Are there ather people there that are successful with this? If so ask them. If not, don't get comfortable there.
Hello everyone! I am new to the board . Any suggestions on how to grow your business? Where are good leads available? What is easier to sell life or health?

You may want to start out with a good Unique Selling Position - What sets your company/Offer apart from all of the rest - why they should do business with you.

Also, ask open-ended questions that get to the heart of why they need life insurance now, and what would happen to their loved ones if they do not have life insurance.

Selling is emotional, not logical, they will justify their purchase with logic after-the-fact, but emotions will push them to buy.
I'm confused, if you are working for an internet company, why is the travel killing you? I'm sure there is a reason, just curious why you have to go anywhere.


Read the first paragraph of the first post again ... he travelled with the prior company and did not like it, so he joined or is in the process of joining insure.com.