I need help selling term life

First of all, it sounds like your organization is in dire need of a training and development program. This is not an insult aimed at you, but rather fundimenal sales training questions that should be addressed on a systemic level. They must still be living in the age of fat and lazy excess while the rest of the economy is tanking, either that or the organization just lacks a core strategic direction for growth. I am curious what company this is?

My favorite line is to call someone, tell them who I am and simply ask if this is a good time to talk, and if not now, set a time.

As for getting them to pull the trigger, you simply tell them that they aren't making a decision right now. They still have to go through underwriting and that could take anywhere from 2 weeks to 2 months. Even after they receive the policy they still have a 30 day money back guarentee during which they can cancel the policy at any time for any reason. So they still have lots of time to think about it, lets just take a few minutes today to get our ducks in a row for later.

And so on. . .

Portland Life Insurance, Oregon Health Insurance, Portland Health Insurance