If ACA is Repealed how Much Would You Save?

I never said I was an independent agent. I also never claimed to be experienced in the whole Obamacare debacle.

FYI, your profile says "Occupation: Life and Health Insurance Agent" and links to a brokerage website. It's understandable that other users assumed you are an agent. We presume by this point, over 5 years since the law was signed, that agents have a working understanding of the laws.
"Based on her post I would hate to be one of her 3 clients..." FLM2

Wow! That was not nice. Good job being a jerk about it!!
I never said I was an independent agent. I also never claimed to be experienced in the whole Obamacare debacle. I started selling before all this went into effect and I did well. But I never claimed I was on my own either.

You said there was a sizable subsidy but the OOP costs are too high, did you ever think to do a comparison between the cost of a Sliver CSR plan vs a Bronze, including your Out of Pocket costs, before deciding on the Bronze? If you didn't take that step and are now complaining, it is on you, no one else, and you deserve all the ridicule that is coming.
Yes, I had an agent help me. My Boss, he knows how much I make and can't afford to pay anything for insurance this year, next years will be different. I will be able to get a silver plan.

Sad to say there are many low income insurance agents. It is a tough business. I have some clients that are P&C people and they are hard pressed to show $15,000 to $20,000 their first year. With your health issues it is important to also calculate the out of pocket you have to spend on a Bronze plan. If there is any way to change to a Silver plan that would be important for you as out of pocket is also subsidized. The cost in premium is not that much different and would save you thousands in out of pocket.

ACA is a complicated machine. I've been with it since Day One. It is not easy to understand. You've got a lot on your plate to learn a new industry, stay afloat, and deal with your own finances at the same time.

If you would like for me to I'll do some calculations for you free gratis.
Go back and do a little non partisan research -that means NO BLOGS OR MEDIA OUTLETS you already agree with-real research-you will find in All Federal Bankruptcy court juristicions going back quite a few years the MAJORITY OF ACCEPTED DISCHARGED DEBTS HAVE BEEN MEDICAL.!!!


Your point is taken, but realize that it hasn't changed much. You are looking at the result, not the cause.

If you really look at the cause, both previous and now, you'll understand it isn't really the medical bills (many had insurance previously), it was the fact that the individiual pretty much lived pay check to pay check and the illness caused a loss of income, there was no way to get back on top of it.

ACA doesn't help this a bit. In fact, with larger deductibles in many cases, it makes it worse.

But hey, it was nice of you to not be partisan.


Your point is taken, but realize that it hasn't changed much. You are looking at the result, not the cause.

If you really look at the cause, both previous and now, you'll understand it isn't really the medical bills (many had insurance previously), it was the fact that the individiual pretty much lived pay check to pay check and the illness caused a loss of income, there was no way to get back on top of it.

ACA doesn't help this a bit. In fact, with larger deductibles in many cases, it makes it worse.

But hey, it was nice of you to not be partisan.

My point was that if we go back to the old days there will be folks in bankruptcy court stating " my agent said I was covered" Your opinion that folks living from week to week ?? Maybe, but its an opinion. National association of Bankruptcy clerks polled its members and they came up with medical maybe you have a better pulse on the cause?BTW I am not a supporter of aca nor am I a supporter of any health positions of the recent(15 years) past.


Interesting can't believe folks will declare for so little$---limited study though ---only chapter 7 only credit cards ---no reason for charges( medical, booze food???? Stated ealier when polled --members of the national association of bankruptcy clerkslisted medical -- top reason there in deadbeat territory . regardless my original post had more to do with my career long anger about unethical agents,phony associations and yes insurance companies enticing and lying about crappy individual coverages which sometimes had really bad outcomes to insureds
All are missing key point. If bronze is $0 , than silver will be $100. If poster can't afford $0 and out of pocket costs, than they can't afford $100 premium plus out of pocket costs
All are missing key point. If bronze is $0 , than silver will be $100. If poster can't afford $0 and out of pocket costs, than they can't afford $100 premium plus out of pocket costs

I'm not missing anything, both are diabetic and will have healthcare needs regardless of the chosen plan-a 94% CSR plan would have much lower OOP than a Bronze so it's a matter of which has the lower total cost (which can't be skipped regardless of whether they have insurance or not).
I'm not missing anything, both are diabetic and will have healthcare needs regardless of the chosen plan-a 94% CSR plan would have much lower OOP than a Bronze so it's a matter of which has the lower total cost (which can't be skipped regardless of whether they have insurance or not).

They could move to, and get licensed in a state that has expanded Medicaid and the issues of premium and OOP costs would be history. Of course, being on Medicaid brings it's own set of challenges, but they'd be covered, and also avoid the Individual Mandate penalty tax.