I'm at the Mendoza Line

Maybe we should start filing complaints with the insurance companies directly rather than just complaining on the board. They have grievance and appeals for clients, maybe if we started voicing our complaints about the problems we're having and the idiotic stuff that they're doing it might help. Who says grievance and appeals can't help out the agent as well as the client
Maybe we should start filing complaints with the insurance companies directly rather than just complaining on the board. They have grievance and appeals for clients, maybe if we started voicing our complaints about the problems we're having and the idiotic stuff that they're doing it might help. Who says grievance and appeals can't help out the agent as well as the client

I tried that with our wonderful state agency. Filed a formal complaint against Parker and Asses. The complaint just disappeared into the black abyss behind the granite doors, never to be heard from again...
I had the same experience with our state agency. I filed a complaint and never heard one word from them.

Since we know that doesn't work, why not file a complaint/grievance with the insurance company directly. Hello XYZ company, I'd like to file a complaint against you. You're not following the rules. Here is documentation of what OEP is, please read them, know them, pass them onto the people that work at your company. Preferably the people that take client phone calls, the enrollment department, etc. By the way, the documentation is from my agent certification with your company so I'm guessing they are accurate.

I'm going to to do this today!
Maybe we should start filing complaints with the insurance companies directly rather than just complaining on the board. They have grievance and appeals for clients, maybe if we started voicing our complaints about the problems we're having and the idiotic stuff that they're doing it might help. Who says grievance and appeals can't help out the agent as well as the client

That's exactly what I did wwith a commission screw-up at Coventry. Sat down and wrote a letter to the finance or CFO at that co and complained about the length of time for their "research" and foot dragging and comments about their stock performance and suggested I might post on the finance boards about their (co's) attitude towards their producing broker/agents. Got my check with in a few weeks.
Amazing how you get results when you make noise-- but nothing happens at the discretion of the carriers. Latest thing I am hearing is that CIP did not associate the 2007 writing numbers with the new ones, so they have not posted renewals to current agent numbers. So far, it is taking relentless phone messages to agent services to get this straightened out. Of course, their story is, they are "working on it..."
Well I tried to fax my complaint to Grievance & Appeals. First of all it was very difficult to even find this fax # on their website. I did find it, and tried to fax it 4 seperate times, it wouldn't go through. Figures....I ended up faxing my complaint to the enrollment department instead. Of course the fax went through for the enrollment department.
Well I tried to fax my complaint to Grievance & Appeals. First of all it was very difficult to even find this fax # on their website. I did find it, and tried to fax it 4 seperate times, it wouldn't go through. Figures....I ended up faxing my complaint to the enrollment department instead. Of course the fax went through for the enrollment department.

That is hilarious. So, the way to a carrier's heart is through it's mouth!!! :skeptical:
That's exactly what I did wwith a commission screw-up at Coventry. Sat down and wrote a letter to the finance or CFO at that co and complained about the length of time for their "research" and foot dragging and comments about their stock performance and suggested I might post on the finance boards about their (co's) attitude towards their producing broker/agents. Got my check with in a few weeks.

I'm starting to see a disturbing pattern here!

I'm also having problems with Coventry paying for my services.

If they can't learn to love us, then we need to fight fire with fire.

I'd suggest we contact our state insurance regulators and verify if Coventry has appointed us as a licensed agent. Coventry has issues here!

New carrier Federal rules for the marketing and sales of Medicare plans went into effect on October 1, 2008, pursuant to MIPPA. In addition to state producer licensing laws, federal law requires that Medicare plans;

• Must use state-licensed producers.
• Must comply with state appointment laws.
• Must report to the state the termination of any producer, in accordance with state law.

If they have accepted business from non-appointed agents, they will pay hefty fines. :wideeyed: