IMOs Who Also Sell Leads...


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Maybe not direct mail but almost all all scalping something on Tm and Facebook leads.Many of the guys on this board who recruit are making money on leads.
I do not sell or buy leads so this is just an uninformed thought *

It seems that if an IMO is selling leads to someone like me that has contracts all over the place there is nothing wrong with getting whatever the market will bear. However, selling them to their captive / semi-captive agents at that price seems to skew the loyalty quotient to one side. The agents become customers and not business building partners. You know the whole ' we care about you and want to help you succeed' bit. I am sure there are a lot of variables and risks built into the pricing.
I don't think it's a conflict of interests. But I wouldn't see why any established imo would try to profit that way. It's not easy at all. It's a huge hassle to generate leads. And to maintain a steady flow.

There is a huge upfront cost. And you have to make money selling bit by bit.

If you're constantly mailing or running commercials to keep inventory, you'll eventually run out of cash flow if demand goes down or even up too fast. Take into account return rates never being stable and inconsistent agents. It's a hard way to make little money for an imo

I don't make a profit with the leads I generate from my commercials and I charge $46 in California. I still have times where it costs me $100 per lead and I eat the rest.

I can see why an imo would up mark leads. It costs me $42 a lead in California for my lead piece. In Hawaii the same piece costs me $36. I can lower ca leads to $39. And increase Hawaii to $39 and I won't bleed money trying to keep everyone with leads.

Currently I just eat the cost. Lower ca and take the loss. I imagine I can just raise everything to $50. But who would buy those and cut into their roi

It's a pain.

It would easier to just make money off the sales and let the agents deal with leads on their own.