Individual Health Closing Techniques??

Print 'em up (attatched) and it's about 5 cents a pop. Hit residential areas - townhomes are best - and start slapping 'em up. For every 1,000 placed you will close one deal. I can put up 200/hr so dedicated 3 hours a day is three deals a week. I pay kids to put 'em out in the spring/summer/fall.

When I go on appointments I'll leave early and stop by strip malls on the way - leave 'em off in the businsesses.


  • Walk and Talk flyer.doc
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Thanks for the suggestions guys, I'll give it my best shot. The flyers are a good idea.
Learn all there is to know about all plans available in your state. Somarco is correct. If you do this right, prospects close themselves. You don't suck though. You're new. You don't know how to explain insurance quite well enough yet. If you knew how, you would have more like 5-7 cases per 50 leads. I'm not hammering you. It takes time to master the information and to truly send that message to the prospect. They want to know that (a) you know your stuff and (b) are looking out for their interests and not just what plan YOU want to sell.

Closing technique - Explain the plans.

Explain them as if you know them like the back of your hand. If you don't, learn them. The prospect will gravitate to certain products they like and then they will say "what do I have to do to get into Plan A, B or C." This is what Somarco means about the prospects closing themselves.

If you know everything, you won't need to close anybody. They'll close you and you'll never have to be slick with them which does not seem like your personality anyway.
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Unfortunately, it doesn't look like I'll be given the chance to master the information, like I said in an earlier post, I think this company is going to let me go at the end of this week... I guess I'll just have to take my shiny new licence I worked so hard for and go somewhere else.
You can do that or you can re-evaluate where you are right now and decide if the insurance field is right for you. If you are not devoting at least 8 hours a day to selling/prospecting plus another 2-3 hours day learning the products you are set up for failure.
Yeah, actually I am working 8-9 hours a day at this insurance job, and 8 hours at my night job at a bar... honestly, I make more at the bar, but I need both jobs to make ends meet. I was hoping that in a few months I would be making enough in comms here that I could quit the night job, but it's doesn't look like I'll have the chance.
When I sit down with a client it's app or no app. It's been a soft touch up until then;

*Get lead
*Send welcome letter
*Call 4 days later after they received the letter
*Ask if they want quotes
*Call back the next day, run through options on phone, qualify, set appointment

So by the time I meet with them it's about 2 weeks after they requested the quote. But now it's s**t or get off the pot time. If they want time to decide on which plan to choose no problem:

"I'll go ahead and fill out the application now, then call you tomorrow and just tell me which plan you chose."

If I get "why don't we just hold off on the app" it's over. No card, just a thank you and I'm out. Doesn't matter - comes with the territory.

John care to share with us the welcome letter than you send?