Insurance License Suspended over failure to pay College Loans

One dollar when I graduated from college is about $1.85 today.

One dollar in tuition when I graduated is $5.36 today.

I really don't understand you Louis. You should be so much more understanding of the plight of the poor and middle class than you are. It is as though you are stuck in 1966.

It is a different world. And for those raising families after the dot com bubble compared to before, it has been a much tougher row to hoe as the saying goes.

Dot com bubble, 9/11, housing bubble, financial crisis, the great recession, Covid, and coming to a neighborhood near you soon: US Housing Bubble, part deux.

I worked three years out of high school and I managed to save enough to pay for all but $2500 of my college tuition. Three years to save four years of tuition as an auto mechanic. No way I'd accomplish that today as an 18 year old turning a wrench. My dad went to the same college as I did. A dollar when he went to college was equal to $4.58 when I went to school. But tuition had merely doubled in the 25 years between he and I.

Just think about the math for a second. No one is suggesting folks don't pay back their loans. This thread started because some state somewhere apparently thinks that if someone is in arrears on a student loan the best punishment is to deny them the ability to make a living.

I am for working people, Louis, not the f'n politicians, bankers, and Wall Street brokers who have been buying yachts with money that should be in the pockets of working Americans.

Different world than 60 years ago and different world than 30 years ago. Like it or not, kids today have it much harder than you and I did. And I got my start making $2.50 stacking bales of hay in barns. That doesn't mean my son should accept the same pay for the same job today.
Interesting that of the categories listed, education has the second lowest inflation rate since 1800. Recreation was the lowest.
$1 in 1800 → 2021 | Inflation Calculator (
Is the papermill job a union job?

Higher margin businesses should be increasing their wages as they are successful. Low margin businesses (such as restaurants)... keep their eye on containing costs (in most cases). Even then, you'll be surprised how many complaints happen when the menu costs go up while they're also voting to increase the minimum wage.

So I'll just add this: I'm all for wages increasing. I'm against the government forcing it as it's it's own form of inflation.
Is the papermill job a union job?

Higher margin businesses should be increasing their wages as they are successful. Low margin businesses (such as restaurants)... keep their eye on containing costs (in most cases). Even then, you'll be surprised how many complaints happen when the menu costs go up while they're also voting to increase the minimum wage.

So I'll just add this: I'm all for wages increasing. I'm against the government forcing it as it's it's own form of inflation.
Yes it was... The company required the workers to have a union. I know that is a switch but we made newsprint and the NYT was one of our customers along with other union newspapers. If the publisher brought in a toll of newsprint that was not union made, the printers would not load it on the presses. When the plant started in 1954, it and the railroads were probably the only union shops in the area.
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Has anyone noticed some fast food portions have gotten smaller? Entertainment tickets, concessions and parking have skyrocket?

It's getting to a point a man can't afford to have a second family across town. But for real folks the prices of goods and services can only go so high or the cycle starts over again.

One thing this pandemic proved is education can go online. So the genie is out of the bottle. People are buying homes but for the older boomers who get closer or go to their maker their are going to flood the market with homes they don't want.

$125,000 of equity? What? Sell it..Times are changing..Oh yea. Let's not forget taxes. Someone has to pay..
Costco cut their paper towels and toilet paper by 19% and kep price the same . Many company's playing the ever shrinking game . Huge asset inflation in stocks , commodities and Bitcoin .
Interesting that of the categories listed, education has the second lowest inflation rate since 1800.

It says "Education and Communication" but doesn't seem to go into detail. Maybe higher education was super expensive in 1800? Either way, something is definitely not adding up here.
Has anyone noticed some fast food portions have gotten smaller? Entertainment tickets, concessions and parking have skyrocket?

A one pound boxof pasta is now only 12 ounces, and a half gallon of ice cream is now something measured in miniature European units.

It won't be long before the government will have us buying gas by the liter instead of the gallon to disguise higher prices.

We have had rampant inflation since the Fed first stepped into the economy in a heavu handed way after the bubble and 9/11 ... that is what started housing on its tear. Even the housing bubble was only a very localized bubble - the real bubble was in bad credit and sub-prime lending.

As interest rates have gone down, bond prices have gone up. Housing has been acting as a proxy for the bond market (or in sumpathy to the bbond market).

Once interest rates head higher (already happening) and bond prices enter their bear market that will likley last 15 to 40 years, housing will come down hard. Why? Because housing is acting as a bond. If interest rates are 3%, the payment on the $300K 30 year mortgage is about $1264. When I bout my home 21 years ago, $170K 30 year mortgage was 8.125% which cost $1262.25 per month. Here is the problem: The same income that qualifies you for $300K at 3% will only qualify you for $170K at 8.125% ... now what happens when folks who bought in a 3% interest rate environment have to sell into an 8% interest rate environment. Answer: They either take a big hit or they do not sell.

Mark this post and look at it in 2035: The housing market will be slowed to a crawl.

This is simple math and then using that math to ask simple questions.

The same math will tell you why the old folks who think people should work for the price of a Big Mac and large coke/hour are dead wrong.
And it will come but guess what ? A Big Mac combo will be $12 . A gallon of milk $10 . The employer will be as profitable as ever but will pass all cost on . So your guiz for today is this . Would you rather make $ 9 an hr and get a Big Mac combo for $7 and a gallon of milk for $4 or make $15 and pay the above I listed . The price of homes up 22% the last 2 yrs . Venezuela is a lesson for all . You can't print money out of thin air and not gave mass inflation . What good are those $1 mil peso bills doing for Venezuela? The future for our kids looks bleak as the debt will have to be defaulted on at some pt
Several states already have minimum wages north of $13 and none of that happened.

Also, plot home prices over the last 20 years. When you look over that time frame, housing prices don't look crazy at all.