I tried the tool you mentioned above but for some reason it didn't work. did Do something wrong? and Boy I need help with out site Anyone want to give me an opinion on our site Best Rates Insurance Inc. Serving The Flathead Valley, Best insurance rates, Customer service, HOMEIt looks like a good start. I never commented on your other thread, but imo you did the right thing with the separate niche site. Imo when you have dynamically different niches separate sites create a better user experience.
SEO improvements are not my specialty but Im learning.
Im finding no meta description for you. And you have 2 H1s.
So my first suggestion is to use your seo plugin to create a meta description. "Wordpress SEO" is a great plugin to use.
I tried to the
Then reduce your H1s down to just one.
You have 4 H2s. Most recommend only 2 or 3.
Go to SEORCH - OnPage SEO Tool - Search Engine Optimization and run your site. It will give you a breakdown.