Interacting with Price Shoppers

Thank You FunGuy! Your name Fun Guy is a good point. Have fun in the field Have fun with your clients, be a breath of fresh air. We dont know whats going on in our clients life, we only see what they allow us to see. I use a golf analogy
"keep your eye on the ball, swing smooth, attack the flag and have fun."

The first step for me to build trust is to establish eye contact the moment they open the door. I pick the right eye of my client and stay there. When the client looks away and then looks back at me there I am looking in their right eye and I do not bounce from the left to the right.

The second step is to SMILE!

Keep your eye on the ball = eye contact
Swing Smooth = trust your presentation
Attack the flag = stay focused on why you are there
Have fun = SMILE!
JD, a quick question regarding your How Much? question. Are you asking for there budget and backing into a face amount or asking face and giving a price and adjusting from there? TIA, Jim
JD, a quick question regarding your How Much? question. Are you asking for there budget and backing into a face amount or asking face and giving a price and adjusting from there? TIA, Jim

No. The answer to how much? is; Amount that fits your budget. Don't take a policy from anyone that busts your budget and that includes us. It doesn't do any good to start something that you have to call me in 3 months to stop the draft. That doesn't help your family, the company or me.

Then I move on to number 2. We nver discuss pricing until I'm through with the presentation and have health qualified them.
JD, a quick question regarding your How Much? question. Are you asking for there budget and backing into a face amount or asking face and giving a price and adjusting from there? TIA, Jim

I'm not JD, but I always established the face amount need and then seen if that fit the budget.

However, like JD said, it better fit the budget or you'll end up with a chargeback. I always brought up the fact of, "Now Margaret, if your refridgerator went out tomorrow, are you going to be able to keep this or would it mean you would have to skip a payment or two in order to take care of the problem at hand?".
Just one question JD, why in the world are you leaving EFES? Sounds like from your posts you hit the honey hole. Their contracts are about as high as anyone elses, especially when you factor the lead costs. We had some exchanges yesterday about the difference between them and Securus. I double checked today and the actual commission amounts are higher than what I had been told, at least here in GA. I guess it varies from area to area somewhat, but 3-4000 per week AP is awesome for FE. Even at 75%. I bet youre around a hundred or so.

I am just curious why you would leave that. Where are you going? I need to check THAT one out. Thanks

JD had no choice. He was either coming with us the easy way (Steak dinners and stuff) or the hard way (We had Tonya Hardin on speed dial.)