Is Anybody Making Real Money Out There?

At that point, it's still useful, but gets handed off to a lower level person.

Probably great advice for 20 years ago. Today anyone who learns digital marketing can do far more work for less money. By the time my statement is accepted as fact by the everyday agent like yourselves, it will be too late.

Don't worry, I'm sure assurance and walmart will always need $15/hour agents :)
Every year it’s always at least one new guy who claims the sky is falling. I’ve been hearing it for 12 years and 12 years ago agents here were saying they have been listening to the same thing for decades.
Is this PBCII? Or whatever his name was
Every year it’s always at least one new guy who claims the sky is falling. I’ve been hearing it for 12 years and 12 years ago agents here were saying they have been listening to the same thing for decades.
Is this PBCII? Or whatever his name was

Yup. This reminds me of global cooling in the 70's. Then it was the ozone. Then it was global warming. What about those solar cars they were making? What happened to those? What about the robo taxis that Musk said we would have by the end of 2020?

Yes technology will change things, and overall for the better. Deny that at your own peril. True consultants and advisors, however, will always be in demand.
Every year it’s always at least one new guy

It's natural to ignore information that suggests your reality may change

At worst, I am merely expecting more of a change than what we actually get. In that case I've still built an agency using modern digital methods and dominate those agents who are still doing cold calling and using note cards for a crm.

If, however, I am right then I still have a successful modern agency meanwhile agents who buy leads and blast them with calls today will be gone.

Either way I win and those agents who are coasting and using yesteryear methods will at be struggling to stay in business.

You do you. My choice is clear.

I wish you all the best of luck
Every year it’s always at least one new guy who claims the sky is falling. I’ve been hearing it for 12 years and 12 years ago agents here were saying they have been listening to the same thing for decades.
Is this PBCII? Or whatever his name was

Here is the thing ACA showed us the sky can fall fast Tricare did this to agents before me

But there is usually a way to pivot and time on renewals to transition

With a good foundation, you can choose another path with a foundation build on fear one might not fair as well, besides missing opportunities along the way