Is anyone familiar with The Premier

Great info, Hebrews on TFG...that's why we couldn't find anything on them. They have executed a rebranding of their con...I wonder if Joe B. (who is referred to in one of the threads) is JB who runs the evening live chats? Duh? He sounds slippery as a greased pig.

They believe they have fixed the holes in the original system, and perhaps legally they have. I'll honor the NDA I signed in order to participate in their training by not commenting on any specifics, but suffice to say I won't be participating nor recommending.
This thread has been quite enlightening. I was recently approached about doing business with ProVision and Premier presenting a Sect 105 plan that basically pays all employee medical costs and funds Medicare and Social Security. Funding is by a Non Profit. No cost to employer or employee. Way too much secrecy for my comfort. Very un-professional approach by Team Leaders that know and understand very little about Section 105 or Insurance at all. Non licensed. Everywhere I go to check them out seems to be a rabbit hole.
Does anyone else know anything?
There have been a number of squirrely "sure fire" deals involving 105 over the years. Some of the scoundrels pushing them have an insurance license, some don't.

A few years ago the "face" to the 105 scheme did not hold a current license . . . he had to forfeit it because of something in his past. Never a good sign.

But his wife was licensed and everything they did was in her name.

If you like walking on the wild side, go for it. Check your E&O at the door. I doubt it will bail you out if you get in trouble.
Another 105 scam... what a surprise... LOL. OK, probable scam... LOL.

Without an IRS Letter of Determination, any serious agent should deem this type of plan illegal.

And for any legal benefits plan, an IRS Letter of Determination is not hard to get and it costs nothing.
In response to the previous threads regarding The Premier Healthcare Solution, I have been part of the team bringing this solution to employers for almost 3 years now. That said, I still have as many questions and concerns as many of you have. Supposedly they now have opinion letters from a major ERISA law firm as to the viability and validity of this program as well as a top accounting firm. I have yet to see those. Today, Sept. 14, 2020 they ran a full page ad in the WSJ. A launch is planned for January 2021 after many delays. On paper the program is brilliant. I still need to see them launch and fulfill the promises of the program to employers and their employees before I'm comfortable re-approaching the CEO's and CFO's that I've previously had conversations with.
That said, I still have as many questions and concerns as many of you have. Supposedly they now have opinion letters from a major ERISA law firm as to the viability and validity of this program as well as a top accounting firm. I have yet to see those.

Well that is a big red flag imo. IF, they had that, why would they not immediately make it available to their agents for at least internal purposes?

BTW, the other ones had those things as well... ended up being opinions about a normal 105 Plan. They were not specific to the changes made.

If its not an IRS Letter of Determination , which is obtained straight from the IRS. Then its not official by any means at all. (assuming its even about that specific plan since the previous ones were not)
Today, Sept. 14, 2020 they ran a full page ad in the WSJ. A launch is planned for January 2021 after many delays.

Do you have a pic of the ad? That is an expensive thing to do.

A unique and "one of a kind" insurance product does not need major advertising to be successful. No matter how many ads they put out, they still need a major network of agents to promote, educate, enroll, service. That is very expensive. Perhaps they are extremely well funded (doesnt seem like it based on the very minimal website that they did not even spend an extra $50 for basic SSL encryption (the lock you see by the web address to know if a site is secure or not)).... but showing lots of flash without lots of substance is not a great sign. jmo
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