Is My Script Alright? Please Help :S

Have you tried that approach Full? It sounds just simple enough to work. What were your results if you did?

What do you mean by that? I have only used the first script but I am not getting much luck from it.

Also I think you are talking about Australia, we are not the same country, although alot of people think we are haha there are no predators here. We are just a bit down from Australia, a very small place, but very beautiful, you would love it here! :1biggrin:
Haha...sorry Jess, I meant the first part for FullThrottle and the second part was a dig at Arn for misspelling New Zealand.
I've only used it F2F, not over the phone. That being said, I read a post on another board about an agent writing policies using that script and calling on new mortgages.
It gets results. When I'm out B2B, I usually don't track my numbers, I just keep walking into businesses until I run out of time or I sweat through my shirt. On any given day, I try to develop a few decent conversations that give me permission to follow-up. The script isn't anything magical, you'll hear a lot of "not interested" responses and get a few willing/wanting to talk further.
What's B2B? I'm guessing F2F is face 2 face?

Do you think actually going to peoples houses door knocking would be more effective than ringing? I am only 19 so I think at least if I'm calling they don't realise I'm younger until I see them and I can get some time to build some repour (sorry do not know how to spell that word :S) over the phone, but even though I am young I have made sure I know my products extra well so they don't have any reason to doubt me.

I have done flyers advertising a dollar a day life cover but haven't got much back from that.

I really just want to start getting clients :/
B2B=Business to Business. It really means cold calling by going in person from business to business. Of course, it can be done by telephone, too, but is usually more effective in person. Efficient, probably is more efficient IMO. Whatever works for you.
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I have mixed feelings especially about telling them you are new to the industry...although you may get the sympathy appointment, you sure arent going to woo any big accounts. I was taught to "fake it till you make it"!

I have done telephone cold calling in a limited capacity, and the biggest key thing i can tell you is to VERIFY info that you have on the person....

Hello, may i speak to Miss Helen?
this is? Great, hello helen, my name is jake how are you today?
I was assigned to try to HELP you,
I wanted to verify your address as such and such correct?
Great, and obviously i have the right number!

Let me ask you, how do you feel about your current life insurance program???
I HELP people to improve their benefits, is now a good time to do a quick review, or would you prefer tomorrow?

choice closes are always best and engaging the customers opinion is always helpfull...
hope that helps