Is The 4 Hour Insurance Work Week A Crock?

Wow, what a fury of posts...

I'm not saying I want to work 4 hours a week. I'm not a newbie to the insurance world, and I put in my time to be successful.

However, there is alot to be said about working on the things that make the most money.

For me answering billing questions and doing paperwork were not those things.

The Pareto principle states that 20% of our activities produce 80% of our results. I believe this to be true.

So the right question for the group should have been "What IS The 20% that you find most productive in your business to generate income?"

Obviously some people are better at focusing on this 20% than others.

I know half a dozen agents who could work 4 hours a day (they really probably work LESS than this anyway in the office) if they stopped surfing the web, chatting on the phone to friends, checking email, and shooting the bull with the staff.

Buy leads and sell.


Prospect and sell.

Just sell.

That's the good part about phone sales, we can spend most of our time selling, not prospecting, not traveling, just selling.

I know this is simplified but agents get caught up in stuff that distracts them, like this forum, LOL
