Is there an App on the market like the Senior Life App?

I guess you don't realize that Legacy Assurance isn't the only game in town. But that's okay. I was actually wasting my time with you. We've been trying to tell you some of this stuff for years but it keeps falling on deaf ears. You can't fix ignorance when the ignorant one doesn't want to learn. I'm done with you.

OK Todd... who else does everything that Legacy does?
But what if another company had lower rates compared to Senior LIfe due to various medications or health concerns, and you PARTNERED up another carrier that was $400 cheaper annually with Legacy Assurance. Wouldn't that be in clients best interest?

At the end of 12 months Ms. Jones can save $400 with that co., where I can save her approx. $3500 on the first day!
At the end of 12 months Ms. Jones can save $400 with that co., where I can save her approx. $3500 on the first day!

But I sold her a policy with a better priced comapny and sold her legacy assurance as well. The same legacy assurance you discuss. I took her to the website or had her context legacy assurance directly to enroll her.

So how did you save her 3500 when in this example Senior Life policy was 400 more annually?
That's right! All the agents up here who preach getting Ms. Jones the best price, and doing what's right, etc. are just a bunch of hypocrites if they don't bundle LA with a SL policy. This bundle will be a better deal for Ms. Jones against any other FE carrier, even if the other carrier's monthly premium is $30, $40, or more cheaper!

Someone prove me wrong!
You could say that an agent is a hypocrite if they claim they are concerned with doing the best for the client and then sell a higher priced plan in order to to use the LA when they could be selling the lowest cost plan and adding on the LA through their website.... :skeptical: Why not debate the issue on the merits and do away with the name calling?
You know very well we (nor anybody) carries ALL available companies. But just the fact that we carry multiple companies to accommodate clients is a shitload better than only carrying one company. We do the best that we can without going all overboard. Greg does nothing remotely like that. He sticks with one company because he only care about himself. Can you not read that in his posts?

My point exactly.. I don't think an agent should be criticized for choosing to use only one company, three companies or a dozen. The big Mutual companies that built this industry were all captive.. They might not have always had the "best" (which is a matter of opinion) in every case but they did have a plan that would leave the client in a better position for taking care of his family after the agent left than they were before the agent showed up on their doorstep.. ..
Is anyone going to bring up the percentage of policy holders that SL rescinds in the first two years, or the fact that they insure undocumented people without a SSN making it difficult to pay death claims?