Just set a huge meeting


What was in your email? What was their response? What line(s) of coverage are you hoping to take over? If this would be your largest client with 750 employees, how large is your #2 client?
Nice outfit Bob. It's a good thing that you do phone sales. :twitchy:
I would skip the coffee and pastries. Public groups often have restrictions against staff being given gifts.

Come on, what do you have against the "Give'em diabetes" method?

Although it wouldn't surprise me if many organizations had such a rule.
As was said in an earlier post, you need to know how to distinguish yourself from the rest of the crowd. Are you familiar with Captives? If not, perhaps you should be, that is a big means of saving money. Are you familiar with RBP plan designs and protections against balance billing? If you, that too could be another differentiator. Do you know about the self-funding models or level funding models? Much has to do with what you are bringing to the table. How about their RX program? What is the spend there and are they receiving rebates? If they get rebates are you familiar with PBM's that are transparent, have no rebates, and charge a dispensing fee only?

These are only a few of the areas that that you can probe your client to help determine their level of sophistication and expertise. If they are aware of these models, ask them which one they are pursuing and also ask how have they performed in the past?

The more you get to know the client and their "needs", the closer they will feel you understand what they are trying to accomplish.

Best of luck!
David block gave a great overview for you. Let me caution you to make sure you do not come across as an empty suit. If you discuss captives, self-funded, or any of his suggestions you want to make sure you know enough to give a good answer. As an example, captives is a relatively new strategy for medical. I cannot tell you how many people I have met/interviewed who claim to know, but when I probe it is clear they are repeating a few key words/phrases.