
I went to Jamaica with the KSKJ trip. I was able to meet most of the FEX guys. To the T every one of them was cordial, friendly and more than willing to share ideas on how to make more money. They also liked to have fun. Many of them brought their entire family, including their kids. I wish they would come back to the forum. Most of their posts were direct, to the point and more importantly, spot on.

The nice thing about KSKJ is when you call them, they know where to send you to get things done. Their support staff seems very knowledgeable, unlike many other companies I deal with. I will use Gerber as an example.

I sent to Gerber, a new app on the new form but had the old rates. They told me to re write the app on the old form and they would honor the lower payment, which I did. It has been almost a 2 week process to get it corrected, and it still is not done. Normally I wouldn't mind, especially with Gerber, because of the low pay plan, however; this is a $180 monthly premium. On Monday I called them to see what was going on and to find out why it still had not drafted. Their rep told me the client called in and cancelled the policy. When I was told that, I called the insured but never mentioned what Gerber had told me. They had never even called Gerber. How or why Gerber got that information is a complete mystery. You have to take things Gerber tells you with a grain of salt, as much of it is untrue.
I am getting set up with AIG, as we speak. I do have to admit I probably average $500 per month from Gerber. So it does ad up over time. I just don't spend a lot of time chasing them if they don't pay.
That would be reason not to do business with them even if I had to use a company that was not as competitive.

What they have over AIG is the ability to have a different owner than the insured. Being able to download the policy is nice. That they do not print the policy until the first draft is a pain.
I went to Jamaica with the KSKJ trip. I was able to meet most of the FEX guys. To the T every one of them was cordial, friendly and more than willing to share ideas on how to make more money. They also liked to have fun. Many of them brought their entire family, including their kids. I wish they would come back to the forum. Most of their posts were direct, to the point and more importantly, spot on.

I dont disagree with your experience, but since their exodus, this place has been a hot bed of some really good healthy debates with a lot less name calling and personal attacks.