Landing Page

Landing pages are supposed to be simple and not have headers or menu's. Too much distraction.

There are 2 different quote buttons. One above the fold as suggested by aprillarita and others further down the page.
I guess Perry Marshall has no clue what he is talking about.

How to Survive Google Slap Three - by Bryan Todd

Make your site completely navigable.

If your visitor hits your landing page but can't get around your site and find your content without signing up or opting in, then neither can Google. That's a sure way to get slapped.

So provide navigation links on your landing page that give people multiple choices and makes access to your free material possible – even if they don't sign in. No more forced "opt in or leave" signups.

80/20 Landing Page Conversion Express
Tyler, Landing Page Optimization has been helpful, providing insight into layout and how to think like a potential customer.

Others include Small Business Marketing and Killer FB Ads.

Online sites like Copyblogger and SEW have useful information.

Here is an example layout for video games


Here is a simple one for the lizard

I think you have a ton of great content on your landing page and it definitely educates the potential buyer on Medicare Plan F.

However, as a landing page it is too long. I think you're great content would be better served as a downloadable e-book that can be had with a name and e-mail address. This way if you're buyer isn't ready to buy at that moment and they are just doing research, you have captured a lead that you can nurture with future relevant content and you have also established yourself as an expert when it is time to make a buying decision.

Hope this helps.:)

I got the following message when I clicked through to the landing page:

Your access to this site has been limited

Your access to this service has been temporarily limited. Please try again in a few minutes. (HTTP response code 503)

Reason: Access from your area has been temporarily limited for security reasons

Important note for site admins: If you are the administrator of this website note that your access has been limited because you broke one of the Wordfence firewall rules. The reason you access was limited is: "Access from your area has been temporarily limited for security reasons".

If this is a false positive, meaning that your access to your own site has been limited incorrectly, then you will need to regain access to your site, go to the Wordfence "options" page, go to the section for Firewall Rules and disable the rule that caused you to be blocked. For example, if you were blocked because it was detected that you are a fake Google crawler, then disable the rule that blocks fake google crawlers. Or if you were blocked because you were accessing your site too quickly, then increase the number of accesses allowed per minute.

If you're still having trouble, then simply disable the Wordfence firwall and you will still benefit from the other security features that Wordfence provides.

If you are a site administrator and have been accidentally locked out, please enter your email in the box below and click "Send". If the email address you enter belongs to a known site administrator or someone set to receive Wordfence alerts, we will send you an email to help you regain access. Please read our FAQ if this does not work.

This response was generated by Wordfence.

Leo, thanks for input.

After a lot of research and ambivalence over long vs short (and the camp is divided) I went with long. If all they want is a quote they can get that and run, or they can stick around and learn something (with several other opportunities to get a quote).

I am tracking to see how it does, especially when I have ads that direct to the page. Will be a few more weeks before I get a feel for how well it works (or doesn't).

Andy, if you are outside the US your IP is blocked. The link works for me but I have a sitewide block (via Wordfence) on any non-US IP addresses and IP's that have a bad reputation for spam or hacking.