Think of it as you would a term life insurance policy. As long as you're paying that $4 monthly Legacy membership fee you get all the savings mentioned above in post #53 and you also have 4 family members enjoying these savings completely free.
When you purchase a term life policy you also have no guarantee you'll use it either. But as long as you're paying that monthly premium you're covered.
I disagree . With a 30 yr term policy I 100% know if I die in that 30 yrs not family will get the money .I'm at peace of mind knowing what I signed up for will happen . It's in the contract that's legally binding regardless if the company goes under . With legacy if they go under it's when I'll be alive that the nightmare happens were I'm 10-15 yrs older. So all of a sudden the regular insurance I had is no longer enough and I'm screwed . Again I've never run into a Lincoln heritage policy or SL policy were they even remembered the legacy . If they did then I'll rip the legacy to shreds. The only competition in insurance is yourself .I don't care what other CO's are out there.