The also have a call center in Lake Mary, FL
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I worked in their FL call center. They are completely over hauling their training dept at my location. I'm not sure of AZ, but the training in FL was the worst I've ever experienced. I was hired as a senior agent due to prior experience, but bless those poor souls who were knew to the industry. Everyone I knew there who didnt have prior industry (or at least sales) experience didnt last more than 3 mo due to production expectations
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nyc2phi thanks for the clarificaton. Does anyone work in the LM call center here in AZ?
I worked in their FL call center. They are completely over hauling their training dept at my location. I'm not sure of AZ, but the training in FL was the worst I've ever experienced. I was hired as a senior agent due to prior experience, but bless those poor souls who were knew to the industry. Everyone I knew there who didnt have prior industry (or at least sales) experience didnt last more than 3 mo due to production expectations
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