Liberty Mutual

The also have a call center in Lake Mary, FL
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nyc2phi thanks for the clarificaton. Does anyone work in the LM call center here in AZ?

I worked in their FL call center. They are completely over hauling their training dept at my location. I'm not sure of AZ, but the training in FL was the worst I've ever experienced. I was hired as a senior agent due to prior experience, but bless those poor souls who were knew to the industry. Everyone I knew there who didnt have prior industry (or at least sales) experience didnt last more than 3 mo due to production expectations
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I think we need a dedicated thread to those LM employees looking to go Indy, it seems to be the best route to go for those that don't want to sell for LM for the rest of their career. I think it's a great company but hate the idea of having these quotas the rest of my career with no ownership in the book. Lots of great info here, anyone else think losing the pension is not such a big deal?
Renewals make for a pretty nice pension...

That's what I'm thinking, renewals are such a big part of the p&c business that it doesn't make sense to make 1% on them. Those are my obvious concerns though, losing the pension, 401k match and health benefits. Although my partner is willing to pay me a small salary at first that is more I'm currently getting its still concerns me to lose out on those benefits.
Captiveguy, is your poster-boy. Liberty Mutual is their own worst enemy. It seems they want you guys to move on. 1-2% renewals, is not a reason to stay.
Captiveguy, is your poster-boy. Liberty Mutual is their own worst enemy. It seems they want you guys to move on. 1-2% renewals, is not a reason to stay.

Exactly right, they want reps to put in 2-3 years then leave (and they have you for another 2 years with the non-compete). I helped 5 of my friends start agencies after LM all with Erie just because they are competitive here but I get calls and emails from Liberty reps I don't even know asking to talk about exit strategies.

I couldn't imagine spending my career waking up to quotas everyday and having to sell to keep my job. I'm not even two years in with my indy agency and taking home more than I did there. A few more years I'll golf everyday and count my renewals, at 10-15% not 1%:twitchy:
Lm is only good for someone new to the business and wants to learn. Stay a year an move on. I make in renewals from safeco what I made selling at lm and I have only sold safeco a little over 1 year with safeco.
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I plan on hiring a few lm guys once I am out of 2 year non compete.
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I make in renewals from safeco what I made selling at lm and I have only sold safeco a little over 1 year with safeco..[/QUOTE said:
How were you able to write safeco business right out of liberty? I would love to be able to write safeco after I leave LM but feel like I won't be able to get appointed with them.