Liberty Mutual

Do they provide you with an office or cubicle?

it is a cubicle. Liberty does not run their shops like state farm, allstate, ect. I am more of a corporate rep then an owner of a single location. I can get my own assistant after a certian amount of production but my manager is aslo in the same office as me (could be good or bad depending what you are looking for)

LM is going very well. Obviously pros and cons of working for any company but I can say I am very pleased.

Pros: 2 weeks all paid for training in Phoenix, AZ (Had a blast and learned a good amount). Free leads consistantly sent to you. Solid salary for training period (4 months) which is cut in half when your elegible for commission, Affinity marketing program makes it easy to gain prosepects interest. Can broker out commercial

Cons: Captive on personal lines. Renewals average 1-3%. Rates are high (LM has their specific target market). A lot of in house competition for the same accounts (stepping on a lot of toes).

All in all it is a great place to start.

Thanks for asking. :cool:

Thanks for replying. When you say a lot of competition for the same accounts, are you saying that the guy in the cubicle next to yours are working the same leads? Also, why not stick LM out as a career job?

The reason I ask is that I have a friend who is a captive regional manager with approximately 30 brick and mortar locations under his wing. He has told me on several occasions that if he was to lose his job that Liberty Mutual would be the first place to secure employment. I understand that most of us will have different opinions but I tend to hold his opinion in high regard. He is a 20 year veteran and extremely successful.
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You will never make good money working at liberty. Most reps hate working there. Little to know renewals. Managers who count every call you make.
How is LM going? I have been invited to join a webinar Thursday, 4/25 as a first step in becoming a sales rep. Curious how your time at LM was going!

How is LM going? I have been invited to join a webinar Thursday, 4/25 as a first step in becoming a sales rep. Curious how your time at LM was going!


I wish you the best of luck.

LM is a great company to work for. I am enjoying the work I do here everyday. Although my future plans may be different, most that work here, produce at a decent to high level, have an opportunity to make an excellent career here.
Make sure you are always selling. Great place to learn. Not the best for long term growth.
That's great to hear. I do plan on going indy eventually, but I don't have the money or experience to do so! Looking for a good company, Farmer's was screwing me over with their "paid training" and "reimbursement" so I left there.
There main affinity market is CUNA members who are not the best prospects due to low their low IS
they pay bi-monthly, salary and commission are included in each pay periord.

Wow314 sent you a pm a few weeks back.