Life vs Health?

Don't agree. Just got a deal approved yesterday, 60 year old male with high blood pressure and sleep apnea. Got 25% increase and a condition specific deductible. Go attempt to write him life and see what happens.

Well let us not fall into this trap, I'm sure we all can pick certain conditions that would make the other fail. I was speaking in general terms but if you are going to insist on doing this let me know, okay. Sleep apnea, three basic type of sleep apnea, Obstructive, Central or Mixed, depending upon the sleep apnea will be somewhat easy do write to a automatic decline. Yet with blood pressure problems depending upon treatment and history would be rated or decline, mix the two likely be a decline for many life carriers.
Agreed. But another wife.

Gestational diabetes for a whopping two weeks 6 years ago when she was pregnant. She was eating too much fruit. Changed diet - all was well. However, her father's had some health problems.

Health? Standard. Life? Tore her up. In fact, she was so pissed at the decision that when I accepted it she walked out of the house. I knew "it is what it is." Any life agent would have lost that deal.

My wife's just about the healthiest person on earth - 5.0 and 105 pounds - not on a single med with zero health conditions. Life destroyed her. Health got her the best rates available.
Godzilla vs Mothra?

Come on...I Mothra REALLY have a chance? Godzilla is radioactive and breathes FIRE. Have you ever seen a moth that gets too close to a flame? Poof...up in smoke.

Sure...Mothra has two miniature 3 inch tall japanese singing twins...but do they really pose much of a threat? I don't think so. So you say Mothra can shoot a web out of his Ever seen silk sujbected to intense flames? Again...poof.

Why doesn't Godzilla just get it over with and fry Mothra? What's up with that?
Agreed. But another wife.

Gestational diabetes for a whopping two weeks 6 years ago when she was pregnant. She was eating too much fruit. Changed diet - all was well. However, her father's had some health problems.

Health? Standard. Life? Tore her up. In fact, she was so pissed at the decision that when I accepted it she walked out of the house. I knew "it is what it is." Any life agent would have lost that deal.

My wife's just about the healthiest person on earth - 5.0 and 105 pounds - not on a single med with zero health conditions. Life destroyed her. Health got her the best rates available.

Why I never give rate quotes or if I do I generally do it on a C rating. So if I get suprise it won't be a deal killer or less likely so. I do agree I think that DOI's should outlaw underwriting base on family history, yet I don't expect that do actually happen. Such as the question has anyone in your immediate family die of cancer or this or that before the age of 65? Well sure but they were heavy smokers, work as a car painter and occassionally forgot to wear their protective gear and greatly overweight, no matter how healthy the actual client lives, increase of rates are sure to happen!
Agreed. Nothing nastier than telling someone who's the picture of health that they're getting rated because their father was a chain smoker and got lung cancer.