Life vs Health?

I guess when I use the term "rated"...I am referring to non-Preferred cases.

But regarding that situation, I have NEVER had an applicant NOT get a preferred rating...assuming they have no other health issues.

Okay, I'm lost here what exactly are you saying? If there is no health issues, no bad habits good driving record and good weight or BMI I suppose Preferred is a natural outcome. The trick is finding these people, most adults simply don't qualify under preferred rates, if they did preferred would no longer be preferred but standard.
Yes, I agree that the trick is finding these people. It's tough when you are just starting. But as the years roll by, your client base builds (P&C, Health etc...) and between that and referrals, you'll find those preferred prospects.
Life vs Health

Life to me would seem to be an "easier sale" .. in some ways and harder in others.

A life sale for the most part aside from the initial follow up calls.. One the client decides they see the need for the coverage, they will fill out the application, jump through hoops to get everything signed and you are done.

Health on the other hand is a "longer process sale" very rewarding.

If you are calling into companies, you make the cold call.

Then follow up with the person who makes the decisions... only after you get the X date for the policy.

If the X date is in January and you call in February.. most companies will NOT go through the hassle of filling everything out for "a new company" .. unless money is a HUGE factor.

THEN you:

Re contact the contact person once you get the go-ahead.

Send them a census form to save you time and effort of making 10000 follow up calls.

Follow up for the returned census form -- COULD take weeks to get everything back. UNLESS you have a very organized HR contact who hounds the employees to send back the personal information -- quote sheets, apps.. what ever you call them.

Then tou submit the information to your writing carriers, who will have someone internally call you back to verify questions etc.

ONCE you get the quotes -- you recontact the company contact and give them the information.

THE main let down is once all of the work is done, you take the chance if the rates are not competitive... of not getting the business. It then does not matter how many hoops you jumped through!!!

Unless they liked you and your efforts... its on to another year.

*Again, I am not a licensed health agent. BUT I did all of this for my agent.. who would then call back the client and quote everything.
Most folks use rated to refer to a table rating for the additional risk. I have never heard someone who comes thru at standard referred to as a rated risk. Just because they cannot run a marathon does not mean they are rated.

Smokers likewise are not rated.

Those who require table ratings (tobacco use or not) are substandard risks. Now we use the term impaired risk underwriting. Perhaps substandard was considered offensive by some.
Well sorry for the gap in posting. Just came back from an app't - $850 a month premium, zero health conditions, will be approved by tomorrow and it's a $2,550 commish. I love health. Husband was an ex Patriot offensive lineman. I just had to take a pic of this place with my cell.

Well sorry for the gap in posting. Just came back from an app't - $850 a month premium, zero health conditions, will be approved by tomorrow and it's a $2,550 commish. I love health. Husband was an ex Patriot offensive lineman. I just had to take a pic of this place with my cell.


PG county from the looks of the house??