Life vs Health?

Most cases Life is a more straight forward product of course some products can be complicated. All in all I find that life is easier to understand and package than Health.
Most cases Life is a more straight forward product of course some products can be complicated. All in all I find that life is easier to understand and package than Health.

as far as a product they consider they need.....that would be health.....
I agree with you James - the need is far greater for life and if a proper assessment was done well over 80% (if not more) of the population doesn't have the correct life insurance or none at all.

That being said, health is simply easier to market and sell. Yes, the market is thinner; only self-employed, people who work for small companies with no bene's or companies that charge a fortune to add the family. Still easier to market and sell and the underwriting is easier.
Yet most of the population have Major Medical covered via employment

and in most case's are paying way to much for benefits they are and are not using......I have lot of case's that I have pull husband ,wife and kids off group plans saving family's $200 to $400 a month in prem. dollars.....
I agree with you James - the need is far greater for life and if a proper assessment was done well over 80% (if not more) of the population doesn't have the correct life insurance or none at all.

That being said, health is simply easier to market and sell. Yes, the market is thinner; only self-employed, people who work for small companies with no bene's or companies that charge a fortune to add the family. Still easier to market and sell and the underwriting is easier.

I don't see how marketing life is any harder than health? While underwriting may be easier with health but the effect of the underwriting has far greater implications with health than it does with life. In life you may have a bit of a rating causing a small increase of premiums, with health though you get those pesty Exclusions and out right Denials, which are not pleasent do deal with, at least IMHO. The very same people you pick to market too as the best can also be the best prospects for life insurance also and can be marketed in the very same fashion with life marketing. Yet though, generally speaking you'll have to sell 3-5 health contracts to match one life contract, dollar for dollar that is now just speaking in generalities of course depending on a lot of factors. Yet most Contiunation workups will involve a fairly large DB for proper coverage of an owner, even in the smallest of endeavors.

and in most case's are paying way to much for benefits they are and are not using......I have lot of case's that I have pull husband ,wife and kids off group plans saving family's $200 to $400 a month in prem. dollars.....

I can see your point here, this is simply a wedge issue one should be able to use quite effectively in selling the health contract.
Don't agree. Just got a deal approved yesterday, 60 year old male with high blood pressure and sleep apnea. Got 25% increase and a condition specific deductible. Go attempt to write him life and see what happens.