Lincoln Heritage - what is their niche? Are they #1 as they say?

SO thats essentially why you want to be an MGA or IMO right out the gate, or work your way up to it.
How do they prove the writing agent rolled the biz though?

They don't have to. They just issue a chargeback. Oh do you mean about the Vector for churning? I dont know. I always just tell agents they WILL get Vectored no matter what when they leave.
SO thats essentially why you want to be an MGA or IMO right out the gate, or work your way up to it.
No, that is why you don't want to work for a shady insurance IMO. But on the flip side, an agent shouldn't roll their book anyways. If you leave a bad IMO and find a good one, then leave your clients alone and buy new leads and go make new sales!

Agents look for a way to justify it. "Well Ben, my client called me up to ask me if I had any cheaper companies I could put them with!" YEA RIGHT! No client is calling an agent right as they miraculously find a better IMO and asking them to come flip their business.

When an agent leaves Lincoln Heritage or Senior Life, it is just too easy for them to go out and flip their book instead of buying leads and going to work.
SO thats essentially why you want to be an MGA or IMO right out the gate, or work your way up to it.

The MLM style is great for the people at the top. All debts roll up and if you have 5-10 layers between you and the new agent, then you don't care how many they recruit at what levels. Any of the biz that sticks is profit and anything that charges back rolls to the immediate upline. Even if he fails out of the biz, there's a half dozen or more between them and the top.

If we all could have gotten into LH or SL a decade or more ago and worked our pants off, we could have done that too. It would be very difficult, almost impossible, to replicate a Bradley Jennings at LH today.
If the agent filled out the replacement form would be one way...Another is by calling the client, especially if they suspecting rolling. And, sometimes they don't even bother to "prove" it... They get several cases cancelling from a particular agent (ex-agent) Thy terminate for cause and stop renewals and leave it up to you to prove you didn't.

They will terminate no matter what. That is the upline's "retirment" account.
I am not saying any haters are on this thread, but that is why I tend just do as much research on here, and other places too. Cause everyone has there own opinion on what you should start out doing, every some thing are a better fit then they are for others. I have a friend of mine who started off with NYL, said they were the best, then went to someone else, they were the best, now 15 years later is an IMO and has his own company. I know another person who is an MGA and says that they are best. Thats why I don't jump to any conclusions.
Plus, I know its not 1980 anymore, and so many resources like internet and online Quotes that Customers have so many options out there. Plus people are afraid in 2018 to let strangers in there house.
Plus, I know its not 1980 anymore, and so many resources like internet and online Quotes that Customers have so many options out there. Plus people are afraid in 2018 to let strangers in there house.

Untrue, people let you in and fe folks do not sit home between "the hot bench" and "jerry springer" and run quotes online.
Plus, I know its not 1980 anymore, and so many resources like internet and online Quotes that Customers have so many options out there. Plus people are afraid in 2018 to let strangers in there house.

Not our clients haha! Only group of people on Earth that will let you in the door and in 30 minutes are giving you their social and bank account info!