Long Term Care Appointment Setters

Returns are usually 1/3 of 1%. By the time you get the card back, the responder often forgets why they sent it in. Most mailers revolve around State Partnership programs, asset protection, etc. Add in the cost to drive to appointments and it is a very low yield alternative.

You sound like some of the newbies for Final Expense that complain about the card, meanwhile agents are making 6 figures still on them.

You said it yourself you don't even email back your leads after the first shot, why would I expect you to be able to follow up on a direct mail program?

Also last time I checked, you don't set appointments or hire people to set appointments off your internet leads - so why are you handing out non-advice in this thread?

Last time I talked to Twilight his returns were better than what you stated, and since you're not adding anything helpful except to be devil's advocate - I won't debate you anymore.
You sound like some of the newbies for Final Expense that complain about the card, meanwhile agents are making 6 figures still on them.

You said it yourself you don't even email back your leads after the first shot, why would I expect you to be able to follow up on a direct mail program?

Also last time I checked, you don't set appointments or hire people to set appointments off your internet leads - so why are you handing out non-advice in this thread?

Last time I talked to Twilight his returns were better than what you stated, and since you're not adding anything helpful except to be devil's advocate - I won't debate you anymore.

Not debating Justin. I sincerely hope it works for you Justin. I am glad it is working for Twilight. Different areas pull differently. Rural areas pull much better than cosmopolitan areas. We mailed cosmopolitan areas as a test 3 years ago, and got very poor returns.

My only point was to spend $1200 month on a mailer, and generate $2500-$5000 income is a poor ROI. You could turn $1200 month marketing expense into $25,000-$50,000 month income with different marketing.

As the kiddies say, YMMV.
You could turn $1200 month marketing expense into $25,000-$50,000 month income with different marketing.

Would you be willing to share your approach in a private message?

I can set appts for you P/T I charge per appt and been doing so for 10 yrs now. You will not get "shitty" results from me-I work hard, am dedicated and motivated. Enjoy working w/seniors as well. If interested in talking e mail me at mtgline@att.net i'm CJ Thx,

If any of you use appointment setters, how do you pay them? By appointments, by the hour? How much do you pay?
If you get such a low return, why would you hire an appt setter? Do you guys suck that bad on the phone that you cant make 10 calls per week and set appts?