Looking for a good part time opportunity


New Member
Sold Final Expense last 2 years recently got a job in a different sales field making salary working remote. I work 8AM-5PM EST, I'd be interested in getting back into insurance telesales working a part time gig after 5PM EST. Perhaps making some calls in on the west coast. Any recommendations?
Yeah part time as a second job, can easily make an extra 30-40k a year doing this part time only problem is finding a company that lets me work part time.
Yeah part time as a second job, can easily make an extra 30-40k a year doing this part time only problem is finding a company that lets me work part time.

Grossing $40 k a year is a heck of a lot different than netting $40 k a year after telesales chargebacks and big lead costs . If it's so easy to net $40 k a yr working a few days a week at night . Why weren't you making $200 k working this full time at night doing it for 2 yrs ? The truth is 5% of people last 2 yrs in this business and the avg person makes $50k .
Grossing $40 k a year is a heck of a lot different than netting $40 k a year after telesales chargebacks and big lead costs .

Don, you don't know what you're talking about. You basically focus on duals and FE. Duals are a completely different segment than traditional Medicare sales. Do you really think that seniors are out there en masse looking to switch their Medicare plan a few times a year? I promise you that's not the standard.

Lead costs depend on how you market. You could run DM BRM for the exact same cost as a F2F agent. People that focus on inbound marketing pay more for leads because they're higher quality leads because there's active participation. That higher cost is incredibly sticky.

The truth is 5% of people last 2 yrs in this business and the avg person makes $50k .

The most common reason why people wash out is due to undercapitalization. They come to the table with a few thousand dollars. That might last them couple of months because they have to market AND pay their bills. That's a tall order for anyone.

The average person makes 50k because it's the average. Half make significantly less, because they can't market and wash out, half make significantly more.

Some of the things you say make you look like a clown, because they lack any context.
Travis how much capital would you recommend a new agent have if they want to get started part time with high quality inbound leads?
Yeah part time as a second job, can easily make an extra 30-40k a year doing this part time only problem is finding a company that lets me work part time.

There are full time agents that don't net that much.

Plenty of stories (and promises) about making 6 figures . . . not enough that tell the truth about insurance agent income.