M,40,T, Needs 100k 20 Yr Term

I get the FE specialist, but isn't FE just high priced whole life? I would have thought that anyone selling FE was a life insurance agent first.

Not meant to be a put-down but why be a one-trick pony? There must be many times when a "true" FE policy is just way overpriced for someone healthy. Are you really helping a client by selling $10K of FE when they could qualify for $25K of a non-FE whole life policy?

No RNA,just UHL. I don't do much term at all. Only if I'm in a client's house and they have a young daughter/grand daughter....etc that needs something under $20 a month.
I got into a conversation with a neighbor that has some term at work and he asked me about it.
My upline is busy this weekend,not returning emails...etc

Thanks for the help.