Mandate Upheld!Get Ready to RUMMMMMMBLE !

SCOTUS gave states an out on Medicaid expansion. Even though Obamacare provides coverage for the poor, if the states don't have a program for you, then what?

You are still without your "free" health insurance.

Huge question. I'll assume the feds will not be able to "certify" the state exchange and will step in to run it. And PCIP becomes a national medicaid model and survives past 2014.
Re: Mandate Upheld!

If you're confused, I feel sorry for the consumer. Agents will be necessary. I'm having no problem finding people with money who want to be insured. I also have found that people LOVE the free preventative care, and makes it easier to sell HSA's. They feel they're getting something amazes me.
Never confused, this is why there is so many that are uninsured for every one that says they want good health coverage there is 5x that amount that have issues with the insurance companies or couldn't afford it. I worked the phones in MI for about 3 months and heard more bad stories then I can count. I went into med sup/life sales and it was like night and day, saved my career.
Re: Mandate Upheld!

California was going forward with CaliforniaCare regardless of the SCOTUS decision. As Yagents has pointed out, everything will be state-specific in terms of agent's place in the market. California will only allow precious metals plans inside or outside and price of premium will match. Other things will match as well ;) Agents in CA can sell both inside and outside.

The good news is that this decision puts federal subsidy money back on the table for exchange business. I won't go into details on the specifics I know about at this point (provided to me confidentially) but suffice it to say................I'm dancin' like the gopher :biggrin:

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Re: Mandate Upheld!

This will be a roller coaster ride until the election, then a new roller coaster ride will ensue after the election. Actually, it would have been that way no matter how SCOTUS ruled. There are more parts to our government than just the 3 branches. THE PEOPLE who vote are powerful, as are STATES who can contest many parts of this law and even call a Constitutional Convention. Yes, it's possible that the Republicans may not win all 3 branches when the people vote, but even moderate Dems may vote with portions of the repeal actions. If the Reps win the Presidency, a new HHS Secretary will replace Sebellius, and there's a lot of power residing in that office, including power to delay implementation on key points and to issue waivers.

Then there's the issue of the CBO and recalculating funding based on this being a tax and based on the loss on the Medicare Expansion issue.

Messy, messy, messy, and prime for political maneuvering.

It aint over till the fat lady sings.
Re: Mandate Upheld!

Wisconsin Commissioner of Insurance News Release, Commissioner Nickel Disappointed in Supreme Court Decision

Date: June 28, 2012
For more information contact: J.P. Wieske, Public Information Officer, (608) 266-2493 or [email protected]

Commissioner Nickel Disappointed in Supreme Court Decision

Madison, WI—In a split decision, the United States Supreme Court has decided to uphold the constitutionality of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). Wisconsin Insurance Commissioner Ted Nickel today expressed his disappointment in the decision.

"I appreciate the Supreme Court's work on this important case," said Nickel. "PPACA takes a top-down approach that focuses on the federal government controlling the insurance markets in each state. From our experience in working with the federal government on this law, we know this approach is unworkable. Hopefully, this disappointing decision will help galvanize support to overturn the law in Congress."

PPACA has been controversial from its inception, especially because the law mandated that every individual must purchase health insurance and required states to expand their Medicaid rolls. Wisconsin joined the multi-state lawsuit soon after Governor Scott Walker took office and consistently advocated for state flexibility and state control of insurance markets.

"Our experience in being forced to implement this law shows it is unworkable," continued Commissioner Nickel. "The Wisconsin approach—a competitive insurance market with robust consumer protections—provides consumers with the best environment. We will work with Governor Walker, the Legislature, and the state's Congressional delegation to allow the state to return to that consumer-friendly approach."

Created by the Legislature in 1871, Wisconsin's Office of the Commissioner of Insurance (OCI) was vested with broad powers to ensure that the insurance industry responsibly and adequately met the insurance needs of Wisconsin citizens. Today, OCI's mission is to lead the way in informing and protecting the public and responding to its insurance needs.
Re: Mandate Upheld!

Yes, because the insurance companies and government love agents (sarcasm). The Government and Insurance companies agree on one thing: get rid of the agent. That gives Government more control by installing "navigators" as opposed to free-market agents AND the insurance companies get what they have always wanted, the agent out of the picture.

The insurance industry now has a new mandatory marketing and new business friend in the Government. No need for the agent when your forced into buying something. The insurance industry doesn't have to pay agents and listen to their crap when things go wrong.
So what are they going to do with the people that don't "buy" insurance, let them die in the street if they have an emergency??
Re: Get Ready to RUMMMMMMBLE !

Fully agree. Battle cries to repeal this are unrealistic. Romney might campaign that he'll overturn it - but he would possess no such power.

However, it's not game over just yet. Now this behomoth has to be funded - meaning they'll gonna have to find a few billion in the couch cushions for the rebates.

He could issue an executive order similar to Obama's latest executive order saying we are not going to enforce the collection of the tax. Romney should say that will be executive order #1.
Re: Mandate Upheld!

Yes, because the insurance companies and government love agents (sarcasm). The Government and Insurance companies agree on one thing: get rid of the agent. That gives Government more control by installing "navigators" as opposed to free-market agents AND the insurance companies get what they have always wanted, the agent out of the picture.

The insurance industry now has a new mandatory marketing and new business friend in the Government. No need for the agent when your forced into buying something. The insurance industry doesn't have to pay agents and listen to their crap when things go wrong.

As the market narrows to the "big three" it'll become more interesting for agents. If MD residents only have a choice between BX, UHC and Aetna, that's a pretty large natural market. That said, I still believe they'll be offering compensation.
Re: Mandate Upheld!

Total BS...IMO, SCOTUS was intimidated. I wonder what Obama and his Chicago friends have on these people. How they rule in this manner is beyond me. They had a chance to set things rights but decided to take the easy way out. This is a bad law all the way around. It was passed with trickery, w/o the Peoples' approval, and now gives Governement complete control of your healthcare w/o any cost savings.

Glad I'm transitioning out of health insurance...especially here in the Communist State of California.

More specifically on Roberts!