Mandate Upheld!Get Ready to RUMMMMMMBLE !

Re: Mandate Upheld!

Obama just paid for my summer vacation......yoohoo. Can't wait for that $1000 MLR refund in the mail.

More good news:
1. Entrepreneurs will be leaving companies in 2014, good for job growth.
2. Employers will be getting out of the health insurance business....good for job growth eventaully.
3. The IFP market will triple, we just need to hope that agents are involved in exchanges....(dependent on the state).
4. Private exchanges and defined contribution model will flourish.

But, HSA's are in danger, costs will double, and our books of business will be volatile, and our income is now at risk come 2014.

I just can't see myself ever selling Major Med, with all the law changes, premium changes, and now the crazy Law changes that are ungoing...forgeta bout it, ..I did it for only a month and realized how crappy i felt quoting rates that where higher then there mortgage payment just to cover husband/wife and a kid..blah...:no:
open enrollment periods similar to Medicare

Entirely possible. Otherwise you could buy health insurance in December then cancel in January and avoid paying the non-compliance tax.

if you are not poor or lower middle class,

SCOTUS gave states an out on Medicaid expansion. Even though Obamacare provides coverage for the poor, if the states don't have a program for you, then what?

You are still without your "free" health insurance.
Re: Mandate Upheld!

Here's a good question - what happens to everyone's individual block of business come 2014? I still get a very decent amount in renewals - and I'm worried.
Re: Mandate Upheld!

[FONT=arial black,avant garde]Do you think that UHC or Anthem Blue Cross will issue a memo like this? Me thinks not.....[/FONT]

[FONT=arial black,avant garde]ATTENTION ALL AGENTS[/FONT]​
[FONT='times new roman', times]GTL Deeply Disappointed by Supreme Court Decision to Uphold Obamacare[/FONT]
[FONT='times new roman', times]Law Puts Federal Bureaucrats in Control of Americans' Health Care [/FONT]
[FONT='times new roman', times]Guarantee Trust Life Ins. Company (GTL) is shocked and disappointed the U.S. Supreme Court has decided to let stand an egregious federal takeover of its citizens' most personal decisions – those impacting their health and the health of their families. "We are dismayed by today's ruling," stated GTL's Assistant Vice President for Government Relations, Marianne Eterno. "By letting stand the federal health care reform law, the Court has given the Obama administration license to run rough shod over our country's private markets for insurance and health care." [/FONT]
[FONT='times new roman', times]Obamacare does nothing to tackle the cost drivers in our health care system. It imposes artificial caps on profits and creates outrageously expensive regulatory burdens for all sectors of the health care marketplace. It will add millions of dollars to our nation's deficit and puts federal bureaucrats in control of every citizen's health. [/FONT]
[FONT='times new roman', times]Our cash strapped states are now faced with finding the money to create and run health insurance exchanges and cope with the federally mandated explosion of their Medicaid populations. In January, 2014, Americans will watch as their health insurance choices disappear and their health insurance premiums skyrocket. [/FONT]
[FONT='times new roman', times]GTL disagrees with the left-wing politicians and special interest groups who look to the government to provide solutions. Government insurance programs like Medicare and entitlement programs like Medicaid are unsustainable. We believe the answer lies with more consumer choices and enhanced competition in the private market. [/FONT]
[FONT='times new roman', times]Health insurers are a third party payer to the health care system, not a cost driver. We encourage Congress to create tax fairness for the purchase of health insurance, and eliminate costly and unnecessary regulations. Create safety nets for the truly uninsurable and give consumers more control over their health care dollars. [/FONT]
[FONT='times new roman', times]The November elections are the next battleground for the fate of our health care system. Republicans will most likely try to repeal the law legislatively, but chances of success are slim if Democrats retain control of the White House and the Senate. [/FONT]
[FONT='times new roman', times]If you have any questions, please contact Marianne Eterno at 847-460-4765 or [email protected].[/FONT]
Re: Mandate Upheld!

I just can't see myself ever selling Major Med, with all the law changes, premium changes, and now the crazy Law changes that are ungoing...forgeta bout it, ..I did it for only a month and realized how crappy i felt quoting rates that where higher then there mortgage payment just to cover husband/wife and a kid..blah...:no:

If you're confused, I feel sorry for the consumer. Agents will be necessary. I'm having no problem finding people with money who want to be insured. I also have found that people LOVE the free preventative care, and makes it easier to sell HSA's. They feel they're getting something amazes me.
Re: Mandate Upheld!

News alert: House will hold repeal vote on July 11th. Put the house on record! But Prince Harry won't let his cronies do the same.
Re: Mandate Upheld!

[FONT=arial black,avant garde]Do you think that UHC or Anthem Blue Cross will issue a memo like this? Me thinks not.....[/FONT]

[FONT=arial black,avant garde]ATTENTION ALL AGENTS[/FONT]​
[FONT='times new roman', times]GTL Deeply Disappointed by Supreme Court Decision to Uphold Obamacare[/FONT]
[FONT='times new roman', times]Law Puts Federal Bureaucrats in Control of Americans' Health Care [/FONT]
[FONT='times new roman', times]Guarantee Trust Life Ins. Company (GTL) is shocked and disappointed the U.S. Supreme Court has decided to let stand an egregious federal takeover of its citizens' most personal decisions – those impacting their health and the health of their families. "We are dismayed by today's ruling," stated GTL's Assistant Vice President for Government Relations, Marianne Eterno. "By letting stand the federal health care reform law, the Court has given the Obama administration license to run rough shod over our country's private markets for insurance and health care." [/FONT]
[FONT='times new roman', times]Obamacare does nothing to tackle the cost drivers in our health care system. It imposes artificial caps on profits and creates outrageously expensive regulatory burdens for all sectors of the health care marketplace. It will add millions of dollars to our nation's deficit and puts federal bureaucrats in control of every citizen's health. [/FONT]
[FONT='times new roman', times]Our cash strapped states are now faced with finding the money to create and run health insurance exchanges and cope with the federally mandated explosion of their Medicaid populations. In January, 2014, Americans will watch as their health insurance choices disappear and their health insurance premiums skyrocket. [/FONT]
[FONT='times new roman', times]GTL disagrees with the left-wing politicians and special interest groups who look to the government to provide solutions. Government insurance programs like Medicare and entitlement programs like Medicaid are unsustainable. We believe the answer lies with more consumer choices and enhanced competition in the private market. [/FONT]
[FONT='times new roman', times]Health insurers are a third party payer to the health care system, not a cost driver. We encourage Congress to create tax fairness for the purchase of health insurance, and eliminate costly and unnecessary regulations. Create safety nets for the truly uninsurable and give consumers more control over their health care dollars. [/FONT]
[FONT='times new roman', times]The November elections are the next battleground for the fate of our health care system. Republicans will most likely try to repeal the law legislatively, but chances of success are slim if Democrats retain control of the White House and the Senate. [/FONT]
[FONT='times new roman', times]If you have any questions, please contact Marianne Eterno at 847-460-4765 or [email protected].[/FONT]

I think you'll see a lot of them updating their LinkedIn profiles.
Re: Mandate Upheld!

This sounds great for small business owners!!!

If you have less than 25 employees, discontinue offering health insurance, give your employees a big party and $5k in cash and let them buy their own plan.

If you have more than 25 employees wouldn't it make more sense to discontinue offering health insurance and pay the $2000 fine per employee? Seems cheaper than offering coverage..
Re: Mandate Upheld!

It's the $64,000 question. Romney has already stated just that; he'd issue any state a waiver.

Dunno. It's a federal law and I'm not sure he would have the power to allow any state to opt out of a federal law.

Imagine if a president wanted to issue a waiver to any state allowing them to opt out of the federal drug laws if they wanted to legalize pot. Don't think so.

Immigration Laws are Federal and the Obama Adminstration takes on Arizona for taking up the Fed Goverments failure to enforce thier own laws.