Mandate Upheld!Get Ready to RUMMMMMMBLE !

Re: Mandate Upheld!

IMHO, they got it wrong.

This is a law that states everyone has to buy coverage. Per the commerce clause, that's unconstitutional.

Apparently SCOTUS said "Not really. You don't have to buy anything. There's no jail time, no criminal charges,'re just choosing to pay a tax instead."

yupp incredible how they justify this mess as A TAX!

Chief Justice Roberts.. wow thanks buddy
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You run or you fight! Bunch of pussies won't even call your reps or senators to complain.

I will be fighting.. hope you do the same.
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Re: Mandate Upheld!

Now the discussion need to turn to likely compensation for selling GI plans come 2014.

And guesses? Mine's a flat fee per app. Guessing? $150.
Re: Mandate Upheld!

its time to get out health insurance sales nowwwwwwwww......
Re: Mandate Upheld!

Total BS...IMO, SCOTUS was intimidated. I wonder what Obama and his Chicago friends have on these people. How they rule in this manner is beyond me. They had a chance to set things rights but decided to take the easy way out. This is a bad law all the way around. It was passed with trickery, w/o the Peoples' approval, and now gives Governement complete control of your healthcare w/o any cost savings.

Glad I'm transitioning out of health insurance...especially here in the Communist State of California.
Re: Mandate Upheld!

The main goal with the ACA is to get the one provision they could not get it passed with. THE PUBLIC OPTION. Make is impossible for insurers to do business with all the GI mandates, etc. and they will exit the market.. what is left?

The gov plan will step in a fix what the evil insurance companies left as a mess by refusing to do business.
Gonna become Pledge Time out on the campaign trail. Everyone is saying Obamacare cannot be overturned and that may or may not be true but all the house reps are up for re-election and guess who is going to be asked to pledge or not pledge while out on the trail. Its gonna cost some folks their seat or else cause them to re-think where they stand. Could work the other way too in lib areas but there is going to be a lot being worked out out on the playground between now and the election. Of course, many of the senators are up for re-election too.
Re: Mandate Upheld!

I'm moving to Russia, I'll be more free there! Russia is becomming a capitalist country, and we are becomming a socialist/communist country more so day by day.:mad::nah::no::goofy:
Re: Mandate Upheld!

Can Romney, if elected, issue waivers to all the states and kill this? Its that simple, if not - lights out. And I'm no pu$$y.
Re: Mandate Upheld!

Can Romney, if elected, issue waivers to all the states and kill this? Its that simple, if not - lights out. And I'm no pu$.

It's the $64,000 question. Romney has already stated just that; he'd issue any state a waiver.

Dunno. It's a federal law and I'm not sure he would have the power to allow any state to opt out of a federal law.

Imagine if a president wanted to issue a waiver to any state allowing them to opt out of the federal drug laws if they wanted to legalize pot. Don't think so.