Marketing Ideas to FE Clients

If FE clients are not annuity prospects they probably are not grammar experts either. haha
Yes I know the difference. Was always a math guy though. I just type fast on my phone and don't proofread....clearly

Cool cool. I wasn't saying that in a making fun of you type of manner.
Completely just pointing it out because you used it that way a couple times in this thread and I wouldn't want you to accidentally email a client like that.
I'd hope others will look out for me in the same manner now that Arn has retired.
Cool cool. I wasn't saying that in a making fun of you type of manner.
Completely just pointing it out because you used it that way a couple times in this thread and I wouldn't want you to accidentally email a client like that.
I'd hope others will look out for me in the same manner now that Arn has retired.

They're going to think I am an *** because there will be misspelled words and their teachers told them that they shouldn't do that. I agree with them too. Impressive..huuhhhh? :DI think I got all of those correct.

I have this crazy LG intuition phone with a touch screen and it auto spell checks. As you can see if throws in . in the middle of my sentences. Never really cared to use proper grammar on the forum :mad:
:1wink:"I'd hope others will look out for me in the same manner now that Arn has retired."
You "would" hope? Simply saying, "I hope others....." would be more appropriate, would not it?