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McCain Picks VP

Well, its official. I'm going to have to vote for McCain. I didn't like John McCain 8 years ago, and he hasn't grown on me, but I don't want Hillary or Obama. Obama has NO experience, and Hillary is, well, Hillary.


You know, there is one Really Big Problem.....I believe the Dems are successfully fundraising and the Repubs are not. I also believe there won't be a whole lotta checks for McCain.....

Therefore, from a sheer media standpoint, the "problem" will likely solve itself, and we will end up with a Dem Prez.
I will not... for any reason... no matter what, vote for a repub. this time. not for pres. not for congress... nor any down ballot candidate..... they have made a joke out of this country.... a joke out of this economy... and made a joke out of forgien policy. Bush is a mad man and this ain't the old repub party... afte they are taught a lesson, and wake up, get back to their roots... then i might climb back in bed with them. i need leaders to lead... not regulate and shove their social agenda down my throat.

i have an appt. in sweden with my wife and when we are across the pond people think we in the usa are clowns. the dollar sucks, gas prices are out of control (profits up at oil companies) the economy is in full recession (wife is wall st. invest. banker, she say so) bush ,the repubs want to run up spending and bushie wants to regulate and control everything .all we want to do is listen to the lies of the bush gang....and believe it.... give me a break!!!

Go live in a Third World Country my friend, and you will be begging to come back home, I cant believe you really think America is that bad, Have you ever been to the Middle East? Ever been to South American countries, I doubt it, or you wouldnt make such comments. Be more than happy to have you meet my son, and he can get you signed up for a nice trip in the Sand.
The best thing you can do is take care of yourself.

Gas prices up? Sell more insurance.

Taxes getting higher? Find more loopholes.

Either you are going to work the system (legally) or the system is going to work you.

The government sets the guidelines, it is my responsibility to work it to the best of my abilities to maximize it for myself and family.

We are almost an exception to the rules as we can control our financial outcome better then salaried employees. They are the ones who are hit the hardest.
Go live in a Third World Country my friend, and you will be begging to come back home, I cant believe you really think America is that bad, Have you ever been to the Middle East? Ever been to South American countries, I doubt it, or you wouldnt make such comments. Be more than happy to have you meet my son, and he can get you signed up for a nice trip in the Sand.

this country is not divided into america and everyone else is third world.... yes, i have visited many countries, more europe than anything else, i have an appartment in northen europe(sweden) and i spend weeks at a time there, my wife is a sweedish with middle eastern birth(iraq) so i feel i know a little more about the situation than u have ever dreamed. when your wife has to escape from iraq because of the radical musilum culture of sadam and flee to sweden i think i will take her word on the situation over there over some poster on a mesg board.

in 2006 my wife was caught up in the crisis in leabon, i had to work to get her out... yes i delt with strange countries to negoiate the release, not fun, 3rd world.. no, just different.

go to europe, not to visit... but to have your 2nd home, stay there for weeks and weeks like i have, then u will understand.

yes, big boy... i have spent time in south america... not much and i agree, 3rd world, but i only went there as a tourist so i can't give a true read on things... a resort dosent reflect the true culture of the people.good for your son, i respect what he is doing, but if he is in iraq he is fighting a war based on lies.... if he is in afag. then he is fighting a war that needs to be fought...

i highly doubt u have "lived" in any other country except the usa, however, i have so to speak... so next time you start kicking sand in my face, u better ash yourself... "do i realy know what im talking about"... or are u just a mouthpiece for the failed bush team.
Go live in a Third World Country my friend, and you will be begging to come back home, I cant believe you really think America is that bad, Have you ever been to the Middle East? Ever been to South American countries, I doubt it, or you wouldnt make such comments. Be more than happy to have you meet my son, and he can get you signed up for a nice trip in the Sand.

ALSO.... typical comments from those on the far right, "go live in a 3rd world country" was i incorrect in any of my original points as to why i will not vote repub? please take the bait... please, please....answer the question
As far as the Middle East, I saw The Bourne Ultimatum and The Kingdom, both of which I really enjoyed. Does that count for two visits? Oh, and I say Syriana, so does that make it 3?
OMG, Peeler, true enough that you can't spell, but is the Caps key on your keyboard broken? All lower case is difficult to read----it probably is O.K. for Instant Message. Remember this is supposed to be a professional forum!:mad:
OMG, is the Caps key on your keyboard broken? All lower case is difficult to read----it probably is O.K. for Instant Message. Remember this is supposed to be a professional forum!:mad:

lol... i lok for the quickest way to get it done... now someone asked for this a few weeks ago.... and i gave u THIS, CAN U SEE IT BETTER NOW???