Monumental Direct Mail Drop

Dont worry JD, here come back to this thread (if he does) and change the subject completely to "Show me your 1099", "LH is the biggest company", etc, never fails!

Is it just me or is JD posting just as much as he always has, lol??

It's just you. edited. I made that reply to the wrong person.
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Monumental doesn't have their own mail house. They use Lead Concepts for their lead program to agents.

Dude, where did you hear that? I was assured that Transamerica owned the lead house and only used it for their mail drops... and that Monumental, the brother company, was recently able to use the house for the Guaranteed mail drops...
Dude, where did you hear that? I was assured that Transamerica owned the lead house and only used it for their mail drops... and that Monumental, the brother company, was recently able to use the house for the Guaranteed mail drops...
I can be wrong but I've known this for a few years? This is coming from one of my IMO's who does a ton of biz with them and talks to the owner of LC all the time. But I have also been told this from other IMO's a work with over and over again. In fact, I here it so much I figured this was everyday knowledge?
Transamerica owns the jailhouse that Monumental has been using for around 3-years.
I also am doing a 2000 piece drop and hope it goes better than the first.
I think the area I dropped in last time was a wrong pick, so I will take responsibility for it and give it another a shot.
Hey guys, that would be great if you could post your rate of return... I got one more lead that lingered in yesterday so that brings my total to .5% lol