The item about Foresters being able to raise rates or lower coverage being BS is exaggerated.
Your answer was how many times in their over 100 year history have they exercised this right. That answer does NOT even go with the comment I made.
I didn't ask if they had raised rates, read the comment again.
If Foresters has NO intention of ever having to raise rates or lower benefits. . .then why is that statement a part of their contract.
My comment is not BS. . . anybody who puts something in a contract anticipates using that option at some point in the future if the situation warrants.
What they have done. . . or haven't done in the past has NO bearing.
Your answer was how many times in their over 100 year history have they exercised this right. That answer does NOT even go with the comment I made.
I didn't ask if they had raised rates, read the comment again.
If Foresters has NO intention of ever having to raise rates or lower benefits. . .then why is that statement a part of their contract.
My comment is not BS. . . anybody who puts something in a contract anticipates using that option at some point in the future if the situation warrants.
What they have done. . . or haven't done in the past has NO bearing.