My Client Died Before We Could Get her Covered

Speaking of month I'm supposed to write up a guy that spent 27 years in prison. He got out a little over 2 years ago. Not sure if I want to know what for..... :skeptical:

Well it's probably safe to say he didn't eat the person he killed or he wouldn't have been released. I wouldn't worry too much...:skeptical:
Reminds me of a deal a few years ago. A good client calls me to write her niece (ghetto child) who just had another baby. I tell her I have written her before and she lapsed, so no. I relent and write her as a favor to the family. I write the 19 yr old girl and put the two children as riders. That night the baby dies. App and check are still in my case. Three months later People's Benefit pays the $20,000.00 child rider. The girl instantly buys a car and auto insurance. Cancels the life insurance. Three months later she has lapsed the auto insurance then unlicensed baby daddy #2 totals the car in a DUI (weed) accident. Last year they call me and ask if I will write a policy on her and her three kids :GEEK: Ah, no.

What the hell!!! Lmao
Lord the stories we all have :)

Speaking of month I'm supposed to write up a guy that spent 27 years in prison. He got out a little over 2 years ago. Not sure if I want to know what for..... :skeptical:

Could be worse. I had to service an orphan once who was still in jail. No biggie I thought call the jail get the facts I come on x day and will be on one side of a glass partition. I get there and they tell me my appointment is considered a professional visit I could have come anytime not just during visitation and they are putting me in a private room with my client who I have never met before...Not exactly my funnest moment very glad to leave the jail.
Could be worse. I had to service an orphan once who was still in jail. No biggie I thought call the jail get the facts I come on x day and will be on one side of a glass partition. I get there and they tell me my appointment is considered a professional visit I could have come anytime not just during visitation and they are putting me in a private room with my client who I have never met before...Not exactly my funnest moment very glad to leave the jail.

One of my kids took a long time to grow up so I used to visit him in jail/prison every 2 or 3 months and taking my grandson with me. Yea...there's funner things to do but you get used to it.