My Experience with Hometown Quotes


So if your account had gone like this: $400 paid, $200 bonus. You then kept buying leads & paid another $400 more. But then you cancelled without spending all of the next [or any of the] $400. You would get back what you didn't spend of the last $400 paid in as you'd spent your original $400 & the bonus amount already. Hope this makes sense.

Looks like you are saying that you owe me $200.00 I put in 600 you put in 200.

I had a balance of $493.25 when I cancelled. my math has the refund at 500 area but I'd be happy w/ the balance I had on the day I cancelled. Heck, I'm still waiting for the $293.25 amount that you are willing to give back.

I was buying Homeowner leads.


Chumps: They were Home leads at a discount.

There was no discount some were the 13 price some(weekend) were 11. Doesn't matter as over 70% were either never interested...thought they were getting paid to complete the quote request...bad #'s or were interested 3 months ago & not now or wanted a quote for something other than Homeowners Ins.

Again I trust that it is five because it is so very easy to see when the first lead was posted and when the last one was posted. It's right there. ....
This is pretty easy to prove .... I am more likely to believe Bob because that is probably what he checked before he posted comments ....

Mmm Bob, do you want to tell him or should I?
I tried to explain the math...but I don't know how to say it any better. We don't owe you any money.

Also, the regular price for Home leads is $16.85 [or close to it]. So I believe $13.85 is a substantial discount. [4/13-20...7 days...there were 2 accounts & I didn't read the info right at first. 7 days vs 5. sorry] The $11 leads were additionally discounted for leads we sell on nights/weekends. [tried for 2 days]

But yes, you were refunded every dollar you were due.

Zappman, I'm really sorry you are upset with your experience with Hometown & that we couldn't deliver the leads/experience you wanted. I truly am.

Zappman, I see you used to be an Allstate agent until was that experience for you? I was an Allstate agent too for just over 11 years in 2 states from 1995 to 2006. [KY/TN] Loved it & did quite well. If Hometown Quotes hadn't taken off, I'd still be with Allstate I suspect.

Wow, I just did a search & it appears Allstate has a beef with you so much that they sued you.

I'm truly sorry to see that you are in this situation. Being sued by a giant corporation cannot be a good experience, especially when they have an in-house legal team as big/good as theirs. It can't/won't be cheap to defend yourself. Best of luck with that.
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zapp? shouldn't you be working on your case with Allstate since they rejected mediation? And that was like yesterday? what the heck are you doing here?

Honestly sorry you're having problems, but sorta figured you might based on what you're doing here.
Is there a thread of the year poll? If there isn't, we need one...this has been very entertaining. I know it's been a pita for Bob and Larry, but man this guy is delusional....thanks for the entertainment. Keep it up!
Zappman, I'm really sorry you are upset with your experience .... I truly am.

Zappman, I see you used to be an Allstate agent until was that experience for you?...

Wow, I just did a search & it appears Allstate has a beef with you so much that they sued you.

I'm truly sorry to see that you are in this situation. ... It can't/won't be cheap to defend yourself. Best of luck with that.


Bob Klee is the owner of HTQ Hometownquotes home town quotes (search). This is what you can expect when his back is up against the wall from a customer that has a legitimate complaint with his company.

Now let's think about this, Bob Klee, the CEO, actually took the time to do some back ground checking on a customer with the goal of "digging up dirt" in order to embarrass, "get even" & find fault with that customer.

Luckily, in my case his attempt didn't work out the way he had hoped.

So it appears that if you have a legitimate complaint with HTQ Hometownquotes home town quotes (search), be ready for a possible back ground check by Bob Klee, the result of which he may post on a public forum.

Nice catch there Bob. Your concern touches my heart. Your being a past minister or preacher must have been rewarding. I see you still practice compassion, empathy & fair play.

It's unfortunate that you feel slighted for my holding your company up to a high standard and are now grasping at anything to find fault with me. Hopefully others won't make the mistake that I did.

As far as Allstate, I know you are on the BlueBlog, so you can go through my posts & see just how well I did & why I left. If you are a true entrepreneur, you will find yourself agreeing with what I wrote there.

What I will share is the following as to the Allstate suit.

Taken from

....sorry you're having problems, but sorta figured you might based on what you're doing here.

Based on my reporting facts & an honest experience with HTQ? So did Bob ever get back to you and your 5 day thing?
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