It's not up to parents or soldiers to determine if a war is just.
Well, this morphs into a different subject.
So when you were in the military you would carry out any order given? I don't think you would. If there is such a thing in the UCMJ as an unjust order, then there must be such a thing as an unjust war. If there isn't, there surely is an un-winnable war... which to me is just as unjust. Why you folks will sacrifice your children for an un-winnable cause I don't understand. Is there one of you out there that believe the people of Iraq or Afg. give a rat's a$$ about the death or dismemberment of your son or daughter?
I can never figure out the rationale of your neo-con mind. You post here a hundred times a week about how the Federal government 'violates' your rights. You vigorously protest their attempt to take your guns, or make you use seat belts, or make you wear motorcycle helmets, or make you pay taxes, or make you drive on the right side of the road, etc., etc., etc.
Look at healthcare. Most of you would give up your right hand than see any kind of national health care system. You folks are the "king" of individual rights, privacy, and so on.
But when the government says "Hey neos, send your boys off to Iraq and Afg. to be killed and maimed because not to do so would be disloyal" you folks wrap yourselves in the flag and rush your kids over to the recruiting office... just like you rushed off to Vietnam.
There is not a war you won't support. When your sainted military says "We haven't killed enough kids yet (in the past 8 years) to determine if we've really lost so send us some more," you gladly comply and tell me that "I need to do this because when the government (coach) "calls the play I have to run it."
You neo-cons are fairly good at thinking for yourselves and following your own "drummer" on social issues, but let some politician (or brass hat) yell "national security" you guys fall right in line and are perfectly willing to see 100,000 caskets come off the plane.
Like I say... I'll never figure you guys out. When the President says "We need national healthcare you strap a Glock on your leg and go protest." When the government says "We need you to send your son to be murdered in the Middle East for national security" you gladly hand them over to be sent to the grinder.
You folks are very strange.
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