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I don't get advice from Rick, I give it. Everything he knows about insurance he got from either me or Dave Fluker.
It's a Dunkins Donuts recruiter trying to get you to switch from Krispy Kreme to them. Silly you!

You should be fined for even mentioning Dunkin Donut in the same sentence with Krispy Kreme.. KK is the ultimate donut. All others are just flavorless hunks of dough. Watching for the "Hot" sign. :yes:
Rick gives great advice on what doesn't work when selling insurance.

He wasn't supposed to share those secrets. I sold them to him for $5,000 and he was not supposed to let them out.

Obviously the man cannot be trusted.
OK, the question, be honest. You have a dozen hot KK, a pint of cold milk, how many will be left by the time you get home?