Need FE Selling Over the Phone Script

I joined FE101 in late August. I went to go access some info last week and I could not. After digging around a bit, my $80 subscription lasted only 3 months. I did not read the fine print on his site. He has some good info on there.
I was a little ticked that after my first email he replied with a link that I had to dig and dig to find the answer, and still could not find it.

Use the search function built in to your browser.

As for the OP, cold calling is like starting almost any other conversation. A couple of differences . .

- you are using interruption marketing. They did not expect your call. You need to capture their attention and engage them in 15 seconds or less.

- once you have them hooked, learn to ask questions that are designed to identify their need. Buy this book and use it.

- learn to listen and take copious notes. Too many sales people want to tell. They falsely believe telling is selling. Nothing can be further from the truth.

- develop a conversational style that flows and involves the prospect. All of them have a need, your goal is to uncover that need then help them discover a solution. Folks don't go to the hardware store because they want a drill, they go there because they need a hole. Same thing here. They don't want a life insurance policy, but they do feel a need to make sure their family isn't burdened.
Right on! Asking , Listening and taking notes. You then help them to buy what they want/need as opposed to selling them. The business sticks and you get referred.

Use the search function built in to your browser.

As for the OP, cold calling is like starting almost any other conversation. A couple of differences . .

- you are using interruption marketing. They did not expect your call. You need to capture their attention and engage them in 15 seconds or less.

- once you have them hooked, learn to ask questions that are designed to identify their need. Buy this book and use it.

- learn to listen and take copious notes. Too many sales people want to tell. They falsely believe telling is selling. Nothing can be further from the truth.

- develop a conversational style that flows and involves the prospect. All of them have a need, your goal is to uncover that need then help them discover a solution. Folks don't go to the hardware store because they want a drill, they go there because they need a hole. Same thing here. They don't want a life insurance policy, but they do feel a need to make sure their family isn't burdened.
Hey guys, don't bash Jody. He just figured out what a lot of people realized years ago.

It is easier and more profitable to sell to gold miners than it is to mine gold.
Need FE Script to sell over the phone, anyone got a good script?

You should start by contracting with an IMO that specializes in selling FE over the phone. They will then supply you with all the resources and training you need. Use somebody that has already paid the "dummy tax".
Something to remember. When someone tells you how they have the latest and greatest system, who is the prospect? Are they mining gold or are they mining miners?

The people who come out best during any gold rush are the shop owners and merchants, not the actual miners...
Something to remember. When someone tells you how they have the latest and greatest system, who is the prospect? Are they mining gold or are they mining miners?

The people who come out best during any gold rush are the shop owners and merchants, not the actual miners...
obviously it's better to be the owner of the business than the employee :D
But if the "miners" arent profitable they have no money to give to the merchants.
In our industry, what is the benefit for an IMO to sell a bill of goods and not deliver? I know that is at times the case. But, it just doesn't make sense unless they charge for training, etc.

For an IMO that only makes money on overrides it makes sense to help the agents be successful. It's better for the IMO to spend more money on training, etc and less on recruiting. If a system works, agents will find them.

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