New Agents: Avoid Ritter IM

Street on KSKJ isn't but 90-100 anyway. Maybe if you engage them in a dialogue you could've gotten what you wanted but instead you acted like a 16-year-old. ‍♂️
Here's the thing - I don't even want to do business with an entity that defaults to something so low. I like to align my self with outfits that treat agents fairly - including new ones. No outrage = no change. My job here is done - I've warned newer agents what my opinion was. I'm not here to make friends with you or anyone or get your approval on my behavior when I stick up for other agents.
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I'll give you an example....

About. 5-6 yrs ago I interviewed for a paramedic job in central PA, great people, small town, decent equipment. But, they offered literally 50% lower hourly then anywhere else. I couldn't even counter that offer! But I respectfully declined the job offer. I didn't respond back "who the *** would work for that!" I just said no thanks and kept looking for work.

See the difference?
Professionalism, what a concept.

I'll give you an example....

About. 5-6 yrs ago I interviewed for a paramedic job in central PA, great people, small town, decent equipment. But, they offered literally 50% lower hourly then anywhere else. I couldn't even counter that offer! But I respectfully declined the job offer. I didn't respond back "who the *** would work for that!" I just said no thanks and kept looking for work.

See the difference?
GCU, United Life and KSKJ
75% is the street GA commission with United Life...The only agents I know that are getting better are some LOA guys through Dynamic Consultants. .All you have to do is sign in to their website and you can see what the commission levels are for each company and product..If you can get better elsewhere, you don't have to submit with them.
I'll give you an example....

About. 5-6 yrs ago I interviewed for a paramedic job in central PA, great people, small town, decent equipment. But, they offered literally 50% lower hourly then anywhere else. I couldn't even counter that offer! But I respectfully declined the job offer. I didn't respond back "who the *** would work for that!" I just said no thanks and kept looking for work.

See the difference?

Sounds like the difference is there wasn't anyone like big Justin to warn you of the hourly rate before you spent your time and used your experience and expertise to evaluate the offer. I wonder if the great people in the small town got others to sign that didn't know any better. :mask:
I'll give you an example....

About. 5-6 yrs ago I interviewed for a paramedic job in central PA, great people, small town, decent equipment. But, they offered literally 50% lower hourly then anywhere else. I couldn't even counter that offer! But I respectfully declined the job offer. I didn't respond back "who the *** would work for that!" I just said no thanks and kept looking for work.

See the difference?

Are we to believe that you passed up a career as a Paramedic to sell insurance?
