News & Info Related To 2017 Open Enrollment

RE: Trump, GOP agree: ObamaCare helps us | TheHill

During their pow-wow last week, Donald Trump told Senate Republicans that he believes Obama will attempt to delay Open Enrollment this year until after the election.

But is this true? "Though the administration delayed ObamaCare's enrollment in 2014, healthcare experts say the chances of a delay this year are slim to none because it would require a new round of rule-making."

Couldn't Obama delay 2017 Open Enrollment with an Executive Order?

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Its going to be delayed. There's no way he's going to let the rates out before Nov 8. How fast did the numbers get pulled last week? Thats the quickest the FFM has done anything since they rolled this disaster out....
6 years ago when they announced this Fiasco ACA we knew this crap would be hitting the fan about this time in 2016. I'm paying twice as much for my insurance and my deductible is almost doubled
Yup, so many people in this business predicted that this is EXACTLY, to the letter what Obamacare would turn into. A big expensive money waste.

I wonder how many wonderful people are getting away with abusing the system, getting expensive procedures performed and then canceling the policy? That is not insurance in any way shape or form.

Undo it, allow the sick people to buy into Medicare early. Medicaid can assist those who can't afford it. Leave everyone else's coverage alone, let it go back to a free market system. The government could accomplish that within a few months.

Instead we are in for another round of shady law making. Great.

Aside from CA, is anything being done to ensure broker commissions? I have been looking around but don't see anything.

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