Racism has NOTHING to do with the dislike of a politician - or his policies. It is getting very old and tired that when a American does not like or agree with Obamacare or like Mr Obama's position on any one of a dozen new policies they are suddenly "racist" - that is a HUGE cop out - many consumers do not want to be part of this government take over of the health insurance industry and for a person to suggest that shows they are "racist" is looking for a excuse - "you are racist" is the easiest path. My clients don't care if Mr Obama is black white or purple - they don't want anything to do with this massive social experiment called "Obamacare" - ACA or Health Bill - it costs them too much and it is punitive to personal and business success - you just took it somewhere else
Calm down, tater was just joking with you. He was mocking how everything is labeled racist when anyone disagrees with this administration.