- 19,813
JD, you made my case for me....you are a "silent recruiter"....see the bold print.
Anyway, I say that leads 6 mos.-12 mos. old should be free to a mgr.'s downline of agents. You guys disagree (because you were suckered into buying them?) and come out criticizing me. I could care less. If it works for you then keep doing it.
$3000 off 12 leads over a year old......very unlikely. Just like you in other posts say that you wrote $2000 plus per week, every week, with only 15 fresh leads. What you so conveniently omitted was that the $2000 plus production came from the 15 fresh leads and also from 50 or more leads from previous weeks of people you had not contacted yet. Just dressing it up a little aren't you?
I know this forum is just a place for you to boost your ego, especially with the new FE agents who have not been around the block yet. If it makes you feel important then you should keep doing it.
Well, there you go back to your namecalling once you have been outed.
My numbers and production are on the board to anyone to see. last your i spent less than $9000 on leads. It actually worked out to 14.5 leads per week. Yeah, my appointments for a week are not always from the leads I got on the previous Sat., but over time it's still 15 leads per week that generates my production.
Nor have I ever claimed that it comes from the fresh leads. In fact, the reason you know it's not is because i've said it here. When I do the training calls I always tell the agents that the leads build up over time.
As for the $2000 per week. That's a streak that EFES has where they track at least $2000 production per week. This past week made 136 consecutive weeks for me there. They also have a $3500 per week streak. I'm at 8 weeks on that one. The most important streak they have for me is the $10,000 per month. Jan. made the 36th consecutive month for me on that one.
But, I do much more than the $2000 per week. in fact, for three years I've averaged double that.
As for my doing $300 on old leads, I was disappointed at only doing that. All that experience of your's must not be worth much if think that's an impossible number.
I'm not sure what a "silent recruiter" is. I'm glad that it makes you jealous, though.It must be difficult for you to spend so much time and money recruiting and lying about other IMO's everywhere only to have the people that you trying to hire seek me out when I don't even recruit.
You don't know anything about EFES, yet you get on here and lie abolut their business model. And, I can also tell you that most of the agents you claim on here that work for EFES are not affiliated with EFES. That's just your insecurities talking.
Your company and your management tactics have been outed on this board by people that actually worked for your company. You can't explain that away by attacking EFES or me. Especially when you don not know what you are talking about.